Kristian Nødtvedt Knudsen
Watch Out! Theatre Is Anywhere – Redistributing the Ethics of Arts Education and Applied Theatre
The intention with this study is to examine and develop the discourse of arts in education and applied drama/theatre in relation to democracy, in particular the concept of “post-democracy” (Crouch, 2004, 2016; Mouffe, 2009; Rancière, 1999; Swyngedouw, 2011). Post-democracy is a concept that holds a critical view on current societies, describing conditions of economic, ecological and social crisis including boredom, frustration, oppression, apathy, disillusion and violence. We have identified a few key characteristics and challenges within a post-democratic society, such as “consensus”, “fictionalization” and “paradoxicality”. In this chapter, we are interested to see how such characteristic…
Indefra og udefra – serendipitet som kunstfagdidaktisk princip i teater bag murene
Udgangspunktet for denne studie skal findes i et kunstnerisk projekt med det norske scenekunst-kompagni Teater Bak Murene. I foråret 2019 arbejdede kompagniet med at udvikle forestillingen Innefra og Ut, som blev vist og udviklet sammen med indsatte i Trondheim Fængsel i forbindelse med dansefestivallen Multiplié. I vores undersøgelse af arbejdet med Innefra og Ut fokuserer vi på de kunstfagdidaktiske potentialer, som opstår i krydsfeltet mellem det kunstneriske udviklingsarbejde, deltagerne og publikums møde med forestillingen. I analysen gennemfører vi en fænomen-grafering (Juelskjær, 2019) af to hændelser fra forestillingen. Gennem fænomen-graferingen og begreberne serendipitet, som vi h…
A performative paradigm for post-qualitative inquiry
In this article, the authors explore and contribute to producing a performative research paradigm where post-qualitative as well as artistic research might dwell and breathe. Entering a thread of discussion that started with Haseman’s A manifesto for performative research in 2006, and building on their own friction-led research processes at the edges of qualitative research, the authors plug in with performativity, non-representational theories and methodologies, post-qualitative inquiry and post approaches. A performative paradigm for post-qualitative inquiry is proposed, where knowledge is viewed as knowledge-in-becoming as the constant creation of difference through researcher entanglem…
A/r/tography as approach to the development of sensuous sustainability education in the arts
This article presents a study conducted in the spring of 2020 by three researchers from the University of Agder with the aim of exploring and developing possible sensory-based approaches to sustainability in teacher education with a special focus on the arts. Due to the consequences that followed in the wake of Covid-19, the inquiries took an unexpected turn: Digital platforms, isolation and separate borders, became key focal points for the implementation of the project. Using a /r/tography as a methodological frame (Roussel, Cutcher, Cook & Irwin, 2018; Triggs, Irwin & Leggo, 2014; Irwin, 2013), the authors explore how everyday events characterized by affect (Massumi, 2015) and int…