Jarg-erich Hausamen
Repair of the mandibular nerve by means of autologous nerve grafting after resection of the lower jaw
Summary On the basis of two cases we demonstrate our method of autologous nerve grafting for substitution of the mandibular nerve after mandibular resection. The sural nerve served as a donor nerve, the graft was imbedded microsurgically at the juncture points by means of a perineurial interfascicular nerve suture. Oversized grafts of about 20 cm in length were chosen intentionally in order to insert them without tension between the stumps of the recipient nerve and outside the regeneration zone of the bone. In both cases complete resensibilization of the lower lip was reached after about six months.
Indication and technique for the reconstruction of nerve defects in head and neck.
Summary Although the results of peripheral nerve repair have been greatly improved in the last years following the introduction of microsurgery and increased application of free autologous nerve transplants, the use of restorative neuroplasty in maxillofacial surgery has been limited. Prompted by the successful reports on modern neuroplasty, we have introduced the use of autologous nerve transplant to bridge lesions of various cranial nerves. Our experience is based on the treatment of traumatic and tumour-induced defects of the facial nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, accessory and lingual nerve. The anastomosis of nerve was accomplished exclusively under the surgical microscope and microsur…
Experimental reimplantation utilizing microvascular anastomosis in animals.
Summary The use of the operating microscope and special microsurgical instruments make it possible to achieve successful anastomosis of blood vessels of less than 1 mm in diameter. Microvascular surgery offers newer possibilities in the transplantation of dermisfat grafts, and has led to an unusually high degree of success in the reimplantation of tissues. This paper describes a technique for microvascular anastomosis in animal experiment, using as a model the reimplantation of a completely amputated rabbit ear. In 10 amputated rabbit ears, the central auricular artery with a diameter of 0.5 mm and the two marginal auricular veins with diameter of 0.5–1.0 mm were microsurgically anastomosed…
The basis, technique and indication for cryosurgery in tumours of the oral cavity and face
The fundamentals of clinical application of crysurgery with very deep freezing of tissues is based on the necrotising effect of extreme cooling. The freezing of extracellular and intracellular free fluid leads to irreversible cell damage, because of a shift of electrolyte concentration to toxic values, and a direct lesion of internal cellular structures. The lesion due to cold occurs as a clear demarcation from the healthy surrounding, almost completely painlessness, and rapid healing without complication. For clinical application in the head and neck, there are cooling instruments fitted with specially shaped, exchangeable probe heads. Convincing results were achieved in the cryosurgical t…