Anita Lappeteläinen
‘Celebrating diverse motherhood’: physically disabled women’s counter-narratives to their stigmatised identity as mothers
This study examined how disabled women negotiated their stigmatised identity as mothers by presenting counter-narratives to the culturally dominant narrative of disabled motherhood. Eleven Finnish physically disabled mothers were interviewed. The data were analysed by focusing on these counter-narratives, their linguistic features and their functions in the interviews. The disabled mothers produced four types of counter-narratives about their motherhood experiences: (1) celebrating diverse motherhood through individual coping; (2) performing motherhood through collaborative caring; (3) boosting motherhood through praising one’s children; and (4) normalising (disabled women’s) motherhood thr…
Forbidden option or planned decision? Physically disabled women’s narratives on the choice of motherhood
This narrative study explores personal narratives by disabled women on their choice to become a mother. Eleven Finnish physically disabled mothers were interviewed. The interview data were analysed using Greimas’ actant model. The women produced three types of narratives about their journeys to motherhood: compensation, forbidden option and planned choice. In these narratives, the disabled women struggled with the disabling, oversimplifying and suppressive cultural master narratives of ‘good’ motherhood. Through the narratives, the women distanced themselves from these dominant cultural narratives and constructed strong agency for themselves as mothers. peerReviewed
Äitiysidentiteetin uudelleenrakentaminen vammautumisen jälkeen
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten lasten syntymän jälkeen vammautuneet äidit rakensivat identiteettiään äiteinä vammautumisensa jälkeen. Tutkimusaineisto koostui viiden vammautuneen naisen haastatteluista, jotka analysoitiin narratiivisesti. Vammautuneiden äitien kertomuksista löytyi neljä kerronnallista jännitettä, joiden kautta he rakensivat äitiysidentiteettiään: 1) merkityksetön vai merkityksellinen elämä, 2) lapsen rakkauden menettäminen vai äidin ensisijaisen aseman säilyttäminen, 3) kyvyttömyys toimia äitinä vai äitinä selviytyminen sekä 4) riippuvaisuus lapsesta vai hoivan antajana toimiminen. Tutkimuksemme perusteella voidaan sanoa, että äitiydestä ja lapsista muodostui nais…