Veronica Granata
All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems
Rapidly spinning neutron stars are promising sources of continuous gravitational waves. Detecting such a signal would allow probing of the physical properties of matter under extreme conditions. A significant fraction of the known pulsar population belongs to binary systems. Searching for unknown neutron stars in binary systems requires specialized algorithms to address unknown orbital frequency modulations. We present a search for continuous gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars in binary systems in early data from the third observing run of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors using the semicoherent, GPU-accelerated, binaryskyhough pipeline. The search analyzes the most s…
Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs
We report results from searches for anisotropic stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from the first three observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. For the first time, we include Virgo data in our analysis and run our search with a new efficient pipeline called {\tt PyStoch} on data folded over one sidereal day. We use gravitational-wave radiometry (broadband and narrow band) to produce sky maps of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds and to search for gravitational waves from point sources. A spherical harmonic decomposition method is employed to look for gravitational-wave emission from spatially-extended sources. Neither technique found eviden…
Current driven insulator-to-metal transition without Mott breakdown in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$
The electrical control of a material's conductivity is at the heart of modern electronics. Conventionally, this control is achieved by tuning the density of mobile charge carriers. A completely different approach is possible in Mott insulators such as Ca$_2$RuO$_4$, where an insulator-to-metal transition (IMT) can be induced by a weak electric field or current. This phenomenon has numerous potential applications in, e.g., neuromorphic computing. While the driving force of the IMT is poorly understood, it has been thought to be a breakdown of the Mott state. Using in operando angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show that this is not the case: The current-driven conductive phase ari…
Anomalous orbital moment in the ferromagnetic phase of the Sr4Ru3O10
The coupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom in the trilayer Sr4Ru3O10 sets a long-standing puzzle, due to the peculiar anisotropic coexistence of out-of-plane ferromagnetism and in-plane metamagnetism. Recently, the induced magnetic structure by in-plane applied fields has been investigated by means of spin-polarized neutron diffraction, which allowed to extract a substantial orbital component of the magnetic densities at Ru sites. It has been argued that the latter is at the origin of the evident layer dependent magnetic anisotropy, where the inner layers carry larger magnetic moments than the outer ones. We present a spin-polarized neutron diffraction study in order to characteriz…
Emergence of a metallic metastable phase induced by electrical current in Ca2RuO4
A comprehensive study of the behavior of the Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Ca}}_{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$ under electrical current drive is performed by combining two experimental probes: the macroscopic electrical transport and the microscopic x-ray diffraction. The resistivity, $\ensuremath{\rho}$, versus electric current density, $J$, and temperature, $T,\ensuremath{\rho}(J,T)$, resistivity map is drawn. In particular, the metastable state, induced between the insulating and the metallic thermodynamic states by current biasing ${\mathrm{Ca}}_{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$ single crystals, is investigated. Such an analysis, combined with the study of the resulting ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{6}$ octahedra energy le…
Gravitational-wave Constraints on the Equatorial Ellipticity of Millisecond Pulsars
We present a search for continuous gravitational waves from five radio pulsars, comprising three recycled pulsars (PSR J0437-4715, PSR J0711-6830, and PSR J0737-3039A) and two young pulsars: the Crab pulsar (J0534+2200) and the Vela pulsar (J0835-4510). We use data from the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo combined with data from their first and second observing runs. For the first time, we are able to match (for PSR J0437-4715) or surpass (for PSR J0711-6830) the indirect limits on gravitational-wave emission from recycled pulsars inferred from their observed spin-downs, and constrain their equatorial ellipticities to be less than 10-8. For each of the five pulsars, we perfor…