Aija Van Der Steina

Tourism product/ service attribute influence on overall tourist satisfaction level in Riga

Tourist satisfaction is significant for successful destination marketing as it affects the choice of destination, consumption of tourism products and services as well as the decision to return to the destination and intentions to recommend the destination to other potential tourists. The mutual positive influence of customer satisfaction and loyalty is indisputably proven by empirical research studies carried out in different economic fields and industries, including tourism. The aim of the research was to study the satisfaction level of foreign tourists as consumers with various tourism product attributes in Riga and its influence on overall satisfaction and further consumer behaviour of t…

research product

Latvijas kā tūrisma vietas mārketinga darbības efektivitāte

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Tourism Development in Riga: Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism

This study analyses tourism development in Riga, the capital of Latvia. Riga is a tourist destination that was relatively unknown during the Soviet regime and is now becoming a popular international destination. The study reveals key tourism development trends as well as those features of the city that have highlighted the impact of the global economic crisis and the recovery since the country regained its independence. The goal of this research was to analyse the attitudes of local residents towards tourism including their perception of the impact of tourism in terms of how it has developed. In addition to drawing conclusions from collected data, this study has compared current results to …

research product

Mindful Tourism Services for People with Mental Impairment. Situation Scan: Latvia, 2021

The report is part of the EU Erasmus + funded project “Mindful tourism services for mentally disordered people” (MindTour). The project aims to promote and support tourism entrepreneurs to value mentally disordered clients and their families as persons and customers and help them design mindful tourism services accessible for mentally disordered people. The project is implemented in cooperation with Estonian, Belgian and Latvian higher education institutions – University of Tartu, Pärnu College (Estonia), Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen (Belgium), University of Latvia (Latvia), as well as leisure and tourism service providers - Pärnu Museum (Estonia), Museum Dr Guislain (Belgium) and SIA Zei…

research product

Kā veidot tūrisma pakalpojumus pieejamākus cilvēkiem ar mentāliem apgrūtinājumiem? Rokasgrāmata

Grāmatas nolūks ir būt par pavadoni centienos padarīt tūrisma pakalpojumus pieejamākus cilvēkiem ar mentāliem apgrūtinājumiem un/vai invaliditāti. Šī grāmata var būt noderīga, ja pārstāvat: 1) tūrisma pakalpojumu sniedzēju; 2) tūrisma organizāciju; 3) politikas veidotājus; 4) biedrību personām ar mentāliem apgrūtinājumiem un/vai invaliditāti; 5) plašāku sabiedrību, kas ir ieinteresēta uzlabot tūrisma pakalpojumus cilvēkiem ar mentāliem apgrūtinājumiem un/vai invaliditāti. Šīs rokasgrāmatas saturs tapa, par pamatu ņemot šādi iegūtus datus: datus no sekundāriem avotiem un zinātniskās literatūras, no aptaujām un intervijām ar vairākām NVO, no sarunām ar ekspertiem tūrisma un psihiatriskas inva…

research product


In 2019, Latvia drafted a National Development Plan [NDP 2027] for the next period, which also comprises actions for the development of the tourism sector. Unlike previous practices, approaches to drafting a common plan and developing and implementing tourism policy have changed significantly. The aim of the research is to describe the process of developing a tourism development plan, analyse the use of the latest planning and policy implementation approaches and evaluate the framework of the plan. A qualitative research strategy - a case study was used. The main research methods are document analysis, in-depth interviews and participatory observations. The process of drafting a new tourism…

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