Fusillo Massimo

Heliodorus Parthenopaeus: The "Aithiopika" in Baroque Naples

L'articolo è frutto di un lavoro comune; i paragrafi 1, 3 e 6 sono stati redatti da Massimo Fusillo, i paragrafi 2, 4 e 5 da Clotilde Bertoni. Il lavoro analizza il "Teagene", poema epico di Giambattista Basile ispirato alle "Etiopiche" di Eliodoro, e prende in esame altre opere seicentesche legate al romanzo ellenistico. The article results from a common work: paragraphs 1, 3 and 6 have been written by Massimo Fusillo, paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 by Clotilde Bertoni. It analyzes "Teagene" an epic poem by Giambattista Basile, based on Heliodorus' Aethiopica, and it also examines some other works of the same period connected with th Hellenistic novel.

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Tematica romanzesca o topoi letterari di lunga durata?

Il saggio analizza i nessi con le origini e le metamorfosi del romanzo sia di alcuni arcitemi di lunga durata, sia di temi e topoi più legati a epoche specifiche. The essay analyzes the most lucky and lasting literary themes, and tries to explain their success' reasons

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Thinking Narratively. Between Novel-Essay and Narrative Essay

What is the connection between philosophical enquiries and storytelling in contemporary narrative? Is it possible to outline some features of a so-called philosophical fiction in Western literature throughout the last two centuries? This book aims to provide a plural answer, hosting extensive essays by seven young researchers coming from different fields (Theory of literature, German, American, Russian and Italian contemporary literature, history and evolution of the essayistic form). A short The volume is addressed to all those with a strong interest in both evolution of philosophical speech and history of the novel and has a strong vocation to promote interdisciplinarity in literary studi…

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