Fabrizio Simon

La Sicilia nel primo decennio unitario. Il partito regionista e l’impegno politico degli economisti isolani

L’articolo approfondisce l’azione politica e parlamentare del “Partito regionista”, un movimento d’ispirazione autonomista sorto al momento dell’annessione della Sicilia al Regno d’Italia, che rivendicò per l’isola un’ampia autonomia regionale all’interno delle nuove istituzioni unitarie. Fondatori e leader di questa formazione furono Francesco Ferrara e gli economisti della scuola liberale siciliana che, durante il decennio 1860-70, con le loro idee economiche ne ispirarono il programma e le scelte politiche. The article deals with the political activity of the “Partito regionista”, a political movement which, during the first decade after Italian unification, claimed for a large self-gove…

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Emerico Amari, Vito D’Ondes Reggio e Francesco Ferrara: elementi di analisi economica del diritto nel Risorgimento

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Recensioni/Reviews. PIERO BARUCCI, L'economia politica e la sua storia, Firenze, Polistampa, 2012, pp. 248.

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Francesco Ferrara

voce biografica su Francesco Ferrara

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Ferrara, F. Opere complete. Volume XIII, Epistolario (1835-1897), a cura di P.F. Asso, Roma, Bancaria editrice, 2001.

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Un’analisi giuridica dell’economia: John R Commons e i Legal Foundations of Capitalism

Legal Foundations of Capitalism by John Roger Commons (1924) challenges both orthodox theories of economics and mainstream legal doctrines, at a time when the social sciences were oriented towards new epistemological approaches. This essay shows how Common’s work overruled the assumptions of that movement which in the 20th century became known as Law and Economics. It is not an attempt to extend economic analysis to the study of law. Instead, it is aimed at the application of legal concepts, terms and definitions to economics, and at making economic phenomena coincide with juridicial ones. The end result is the challenge of both neoclassical economics and of traditional legal theories.

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Sismondi nel giudizio di Francesco Ferrara

L’articolo approfondisce il giudizio che Francesco Ferrara, il principale economista italiano del Risorgimento, esprime sull’opera intellettuale di Sismondi nelle prefazioni della Biblioteca dell’Economista. Ne scaturisce una critica severa ma allo stesso tempo articolata e complessa nella quale il dissenso dottrinario si alterna a elementi di condivisione e ad una parziale rivalutazione dell’autore ginevrino posto in comparazione con la scuola classica.

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Bernard E. Harcourt, The Illusion of Free Markets; Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011), pp. 336, $29.95. ISBN 978-0674-05726-5.

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ABDALLAH ZOUACHE (ed), The Political Economy of Saint-Simonism, HEI XVII / 2009 /2, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore

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Vincenzo Li Donni, Note economiche. Un decennio di politica economica siciliana (1972-1982), a cura di Anna Li Donni,

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Illuminismo giuridico e idee economiche nelle opere di Cesare Beccaria e di Gaetano Filangieri

Questo saggio si propone di presentare il contributo che le idee economiche hanno offerto, nel metodo e nell’analisi, alla nascita dell’Illuminismo giuridico prendendo in considerazione l’esperienza italiana rappresentata al meglio da Beccaria e da Filangieri. Partiremo da una presentazione delle relazioni epistemologiche tra il pensiero economico e la teoria del diritto nel settecento per poi proseguire con l’approfondimento degli scrittori che abbiamo sopra menzionato. Sebbene sia possibile rilevare nelle opere dell’illuminismo la trattazione di una considerevole varietà di aspetti dei fenomeni giuridici che hanno dirette ed evidenti implicazioni con la realtà economica —riguardo la propr…

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Individualismo, benessere, epistemologia. Spunti di modernità in alcuni scritti inediti di Francesco Ferrara ed Emerico Amari

Articolo che presenta i risultati del gruppo Sicilia all'interno della ricerca nazionale "Archivi storici degli economisti" finanziata dal Miur 2001 e diretta dalla prof.ssa L. Costabile. La Società italiana degli economisti ha finanziato la ricerca e ha ospitato l'articolo in una sezione della propria rivista.

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GAETANO PECORA, Il pensiero politico di Gaetano Filangieri. Una analisi critica, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007, pp.252

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Adam Smith and The Law

The law is one of the main subjects in Adam Smith’s studies. He deals with it in the Lectures of Jurisprudence (LJ) and in the Wealth of the Nations (WN) and his ethical and philosophical premises are exposed in the Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS). This interest in law is consistent with enlightenment culture which aspired to elaborate a great Science of Legislation in order to have enough knowledge to reform society and replace the Ancien Régime institutions with new ones able to support the course of progress and improve the life of the people. Yet, Smithian thought, while sharing the cultural aim of his age, is divergent from Juridical Enlightenment in many ways. I explain this divergen…

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Antonio Trampus, Il diritto alla felicità. Storia di un’idea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008

recensione al volume di Antonio Trampus, Il diritto alla felicità. Storia di un’idea, Roma-Bari, Laterza

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Palmeri Niccolò

Voce biografica su Niccolò Palmeri

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The role of punishment in the works of Adam Smith

The reformation of criminal justice is one of the great themes in Enlightenment culture and concerned its main exponents from Montesquieu to Beccaria, Filangieri, Bentham. One of the traits of greater modernity in the theories worked out by juridical Enlightenment is the resort to the utilitarianinspired economic analysis. Adam Smith doesn't back out of this scientific and civil commitment, but his doctrine appears significantly different though contemporary to juridical Enlightenment, and is also based on economic argumentations. In this work we will look through the main writings which contain the Smithian thought in search of those parts dealing with the theme of punishment and its socia…

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Il programma del liberalismo siciliano prima del ‘48 attraverso i manoscritti di Emerico Amari

After studying Emerico Amari’s manuscripts, kept in the Biblioteca Comunale di Palermo, in this paper the author observes the contribution of Sicilian liberalism to the economic debate carried out in the years prior to the Revolution of ‘48. The unpublished papers enhance our knowledge and describe more clearly the reformist program that liberal Palermitans, among which Francesco Ferrara is numbered, stated and sustained for about ten years in the main administrative institutions of the island. Particular attention is paid to the most debated administrative and economic issues of that period: public works and conditions of Sicilian industry.

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Adfam Smith’s thought reached every corner of the world in a short lapse of time but made its entrance through institutional, cultural, linguistic, religious and political filters. These filters are not neutral and affected the reading, understanding and use of Smithian ideas. I chose the keyword ‘intellectual filters’ to denote all of the contextual elements whose influence determines whether and how a foreign paradigm penetrates a country and creates its effects.

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Politica economica dell’ambiente e delle risorse naturali nel XIX e XX secolo. Il caso particolare dell’ecosistema marino,

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Recensioni/Reviews. PINA TRAVAGLIANTE, Tra classicismo e marginalismo. La Scienza delle finanze di Giuseppe Ricca Salerno, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, “Storia e Politica”, VI n 2, 2014.

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COSIMO RIDOLFI, Scritti scelti, Introduzione e a cura di Riccardo Faucci, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2008, pp. 204.

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BOOK REVIEWS: Bernard E. Harcourt , The Illusion of Free Markets; Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order

The review presents the book The Illusion of Free Markets; Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order describing the contents and showing its historiographical view on the link between the market and legal order.

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Adam Smith and the Law

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Economisti in Parlamento (1861-1922)

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For Adam Smith, a crime is not the result of a rational calculation of loss and gain but the consequence of envy and a vain desire to parade wealth to attract the approbation of others, combined with a natural systematic bias in overestimating the probability of success. Similarly, Smith does not conceive of legal sanctions as a rational deterrent but as deriving from the feeling of resentment. While the prevailing approach of the eighteenth century is a rational explanation of crime and a utilitarian use of punishment, Adam Smith instead builds his theory of criminal behavior and legal prosecution consistently on the sentiments. A well-functioning legal system is thus an unintended consequ…

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Adriano Di Gregorio, Per una storia delle “Società economiche” di Sicilia. Il caso di Catania (1831-1866), Catania, Università di Catania - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane.

Recensione ad Adriano Di Gregorio, Per una storia delle “Società economiche” di Sicilia. Il caso di Catania (1831-1866), Catania, Università di Catania - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane.

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Diritti umani, repubblicanesimo dei moderni ed equità sociale : le nuove categorie della storiografia su Gaetano Filangieri

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Le tracce di un manuale di economia nei corsi di Francesco Ferrara all’Università di Torino

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Emerico Amari

Voce biografica su Emerico Amari

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Giuseppe Mazzini nel giudizio dei liberali palermitani

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Il marginalismo giuridico di Gaetano Filangieri

This work aims at presenting the elements of marginalist analysis which occur in the thought of Gaetano Filangieri. In the pages of La Scienza della Legislazione the Neapolitan writer shows the tendency to develop a utilitarian investigation which pays attention to the judgements individuals make over social phenomena at the margin point. A proof of this tendency can be found in the explanation of the principle of decreasing marginal utility, argued in Head XXXI of Book III, which represents one of the most effective demonstrations that can be found before the end of XIX century literature. The most remarkably original fact is that, of all the five parts which compose the Filangierian work,…

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Mirella Larizza, Fourier, a cura di Manuela Ceretta, Olschki, Firenze, 2003.

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“Generalist” Journals between Dissemination of Economics and Regime Propaganda

Early in the 20th, generalist journals – a kind of press which had its major diffusion in the nineteenth century – continue to accommodate the contributions of economists offering a specific debating space. However, with the affirmation of fascist ideology, generalist periodicals progressively ceased to exist or to host economists’ articles. Thus, the main object of this research consists in clarifying what could be intended by “generalism” and in relation to which events and ideological pressures it disappeared as a different way to do journalism in a dialectic interplay with specialization. The paper reviews the panorama of generalist journals focusing on the impact of the Fascist regime …

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This work presents the elements of economic analysis of law that occur in the thought of Gaetano Filangieri. In the pages of La Scienza della Legislazione the Neapolitan writer develops a utilitarian and economic investigation that pays attention to the judgments individuals make over social phenomena at the margin point. A proof of this development can be found in the explanation of the principle of decreasing marginal utility, argued in Head XXXI of Book III, which represents one of the most effective demonstrations that can be found before the end of nineteenth-century literature. The most remarkable fact is that, of all the five parts that compose the Filangierian work, the most rich in…

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Francesco Ferrara

Voce specialistica sui contributi di Francesco Ferrara alla storia del pensiero economico italiano con particolare attenzione ai recenti risultati raggiunti dalla storiografia

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Le istituzioni, la politica e la legislazione negli articoli de «La Croce di Savoia»

The journal «La Croce di Savoia» has been considered for a long time a source of great interest in the historiography on Francesco Ferrara for the particular historical circumstances in which it was published and for the first-rank role economic ideas had among the contents of its articles. Public finance,commercial policy and custom duties reform are among its most recurring topics, together with a wider range of topics of discussion such as: the institutions, their organization and their functioning; the political action of States and of political parties; the legislation over the judicial organization and over local authorities. The essay focuses on the writings pointing out the economic…

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My purpose is to point out that during the Age of Enlightenment, and its later 19th century expressions, the most relevant works on law contain examples of economic ideas about criminal phenomena and their legal repression. I will comment the analytic conclusions to which the authors of the time got to, with reference to specific questions such as the definition of crime, the determination of punishment, the judicial procedure. I will take into account some of the most representative European writers: Montesquieu, Beccaria and Bentham. The authors I selected share the characteristic of being all exponents of utilitarianism and of presenting elements which forerun neoclassical economics in t…

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Book reviews. Sergio Caruso, Homo Oeconomicus. Paradigma, Critiche, Revisioni, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2012. Pp.175. €16.90. ISBN: 978-88-6655-105-8.

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«La Croce di Savoia» e il liberalismo siciliano nel regno di Sardegna. 1850-51”

L'articolo "La Croce di Savoia" e il liberalismo siciliano nel Regno di Sardegna: 1850-1851 ricostruisce l'esperienza editoriale del quotidiano che Francesco Ferrara fondò insieme a Emerico Amari e Vito D'Ondes Reggio nei primi anni del loro esilio dopo il fallimento della Rivoluzione del '48. Il giornale, che fu la voce dei liberali palermitani, intervenne vivacemente in tutti i principali dibattiti del Piemonte all'inizio della sua vita statutaria e divenne, anche se per breve tempo, protagonista nello scenario politico subalpino. La redazione si contraddistinse per la fiducia nel libero mercato, il sostegno alla realizzazione di un sistema politico rappresentativo, la richiesta di un amp…

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Da Pistoia a Palermo. Giuseppe Toniolo e l’avvio della ‘Settimana sociale dei cattolici italiani’

The article focuses on the double role of Giuseppe Toniolo as economist and promoter of the Catholic movement, dealing with one of his successful initiatives: ‘La Settimana sociale dei cattolici italiani’. The essay describes the project that aimed to popularize the Catholic social doctrine and that during its first years (1907-1908) resulted in three great meetings held in Pistoia, Brescia and Palermo. These events, that required a lot of work to Toniolo as scholar and leader of Catholic associations, met a great number of obstacles of political nature and, also of intellectual, doctrinal and regional origin.

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Sophus A. Reinert, The Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy (Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press, 2018), pp. 668, $45 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780674976641.

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Correction to: “Generalist” Journals between Dissemination of Economics and Regime Propaganda

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Le carte di Francesco Ferrara. Con un'appendice di scritti inediti.

Francesco Ferrara è uno di quei casi che dimostra l’importanza per la storia del pensiero economico di ricorrere alla ricerca d’archivio. Il contesto risorgimentale nel quale si trovò a operare lo rendono distante dall’immagine tradizionale dell’economista accademico. La sua produzione rispecchia questa condizione e, salvo le prefazioni della Biblioteca dell’Economista, si compone di una disomogenea quantità di articoli, lezioni manoscritte, sunti litografati e pamphlet. Senza le carte di archivio sarebbe più difficoltoso studiare le più note tra le sue opere e perderemmo l’occasione di conoscere una parte consistente dei suoi scritti. Questa monografia, che offre una panoramica delle carte…

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Concetta Spoto, La Bancocrazia a sistema di governo. Associazionismo e credito in Giuseppe Corvaja (1785-1860)

Recensione a Concetta Spoto, La Bancocrazia a sistema di governo. Associazionismo e credito in Giuseppe Corvaja (1785-1860)

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Recensione MASSIMO M. AUGELLO, Gli economisti accademici italiani dell'ottocento. Una storia "documentale"

The review presents the book Gli economisti accademici italiani dell'ottocento. Una storia "documentale" describing the contents and showing its historiographical view on the process of institutionalization of economics in Italy.

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Gli autori francesi nelle prime due serie della “Biblioteca dell’Economista”

This essay deals with the «Biblioteca dell'Economista», the collection of translated economic texts by Francesco Ferrara. The article examines the role that the editorial series attaches to the French economists and their works. A particular attention is devoted to Ferrara's introductions of books in which the Sicilian scholar analyzes the life and the thought of the authors and compare them to his economic theory and idea of the economist's profession.

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Il giornalismo economico palermitano e la crisi dello Stato liberale. L'ORA e gli editoriali degli economisti (1919-1925)

The chapter deals with the Sicilian economic journalism during the years following the Great War and leading up to the rise of fascism. Above all, the work focuses on the articles and editorials written for journal «L'ORA» by economists from Sicilian and Italian universities

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