A Mannocci
Studio multicentrico sul protocollo di revisione dell'uso dell'ospedale in ostetricia (pruo ostetrico)
Prevalenza in Italia della vaccinazione anti-influenzale tra i professionisti sanitari e fattori incentivanti e ostacolanti correlati: revisione sistemica e meta-analisi.
The impact of pictorial health warnings on tobacco products in smokers behaviours and knowledge: The first quasi-experimental field trial after the implementation of the tobacco law in Italy
Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate in the Italian smokers, the effects of implementation of the law about Pictorial Health Warnings (PHWs) on tobacco products.Methods. A quasi-experimental longitudinal design was conducted between 2016 and 2017. The data were collected before (pre-PHW/Wave 1) and after (post-PHW/Wave 2) the implementation of the law. The adopted questionnaire included impact of advertisement (Label Impact Index, LII), quitting behavior and knowledge of tobacco related diseases.Results. 455 respondents completed both the Waves. 7.7% of smokers declared to have stopped smoking in Wave 2 and 29% of these declared the PHWs as one of the reasons to quit. The knowle…