Milorad Korolija
Insight into the Narrow Structure in η Photoproduction on the Neutron from Helicity-Dependent Cross Sections
The double polarization observable E and the helicity dependent cross sections σ1=2 and σ3=2 were measured for η photoproduction from quasifree protons and neutrons. The circularly polarized tagged photon beam of the A2 experiment at the Mainz MAMI accelerator was used in combination with a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The almost 4π detector setup of the Crystal Ball and TAPS is ideally suited to detect the recoil nucleons and the decay photons from η → 2γ and η → 3π0. The results show that the narrow structure previously observed in η photoproduction from the neutron is only apparent in σ1=2 and hence, most likely related to a spin-1=2 amplitude. Nucleon resonances t…
Study of eta and eta' Photoproduction at MAMI
The reactions γp→ηp and γp→η′p are measured from their thresholds up to the center-of-mass energy W=1.96 GeV with the tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. Differential cross sections are obtained with unprecedented statistical accuracy, providing fine energy binning and full production-angle coverage. A strong cusp is observed in the total cross section for η photoproduction at the energies in the vicinity of the η′ threshold, W=1896 MeV (Eγ=1447 MeV). Within the framework of a revised ηMAID isobar model, the cusp, in connection with a steep rise of the η′ total cross section from its threshold, can only be explained by a strong coupling of the poorly known N(1895)1/2− sta…