A. Moncada
Accumulo e conversione di energia per via elettrochimica attraverso batterie piombo-acido con elettrodi nano-strutturati
L’attività di ricerca si è focalizzata sullo studio delle batterie al piombo acide, largamente utilizzate nel campo della trazione e dell’accumulo di energia da fonti rinnovabili. La loro grande limitazione è legata al peso, intrinsecamente dovuto all’alto peso molecolare del piombo stesso, e al basso grado di utilizzazione del materiale attivo, che non le rendono competitive in altri possibili ambiti come la trazione elettrica o in dispositivi portatili. Per superare questa limitazione l’approccio è stato quello di rendere porosa la materia attiva mediante l’uso di array ordinati di nanostrutture ottenute per elettrodeposizione; mediante l’uso di uno stampo, è possibile ottenere elettrodi …
Alternatives to Methyl Bromide in strawberry cultivation
Research on the Origin of Strawberry Plug Plants in Soilless Cultivation
In recent years, the main advances in strawberry cultivation in Italy have regarded cultivation techniques, the use of alternatives to methyl bromide and the type of propagation material used. Fresh plants have taken over from cold-stored plants in 60% of cases. This prompted the need for new studies on the cultivation of fresh strawberry plants carried out in Sicilian nurseries. This report illustrates the results of a trial carried out in Sicily to find the best plug plants grown by four nurseries located at different altitudes (Madonie mountains, Sicani mountains, Nebrodi mountans) and on the plain (Marsala) and with an open cycle soilless system. The trial was carried out at our experim…
Nano-structured PbO2 electrode for lead-acid battery
Effects of substrate solarization on tomato soilless cultivation
Nanostructured Pb electrode for innovative lead-acid battery
Lead-acid batteries are widely used for energy storage, due to a well-established and reliable technology. Over the years, various studies for improving the performance of this battery have been performed. The main goal is to replace conventional plates with innovative electrodes having good stability, high capacity and high surface area. In particular, it is necessary to improve the kinetics of electrochemical conversion reactions at the electrode-solution interface, and to guarantee good electrical continuity during repeated charge/discharge cycles. To achieve these goals, the attention was focused on nanostructured electrodes. Up-to-date, two principal approaches have been followed. In t…