Noora Rantanen
Mucin induces CRISPR-Cas defense in an opportunistic pathogen
It is unknown what circumstances promote particular bacterial defenses against bacterial viruses (phages). Almeida & Hoikkala et al. show that mucin, derived from mucus, greatly accelerates CRISPR-Cas defenses against phage in an opportunistic pathogen. Parasitism by bacteriophages has led to the evolution of a variety of defense mechanisms in their host bacteria. However, it is unclear what factors lead to specific defenses being deployed upon phage infection. To explore this question, we co-evolved the bacterial fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare and its virulent phage V156 in presence and absence of a eukaryotic host signal (mucin) for sixteen weeks. The presence of mucin leads to a …
Pasila satiirin, koomisen ja absurdin rajoilla
Pasila (Filmiteollisuus Fine Mediastation Oy tuotantokaudet 1.–2. vuosina 2007–2009 ja Yellow Film & TV tuotantokaudet 3.–6. vuosina 2011–2013) päättyi kuuden tuotantokauden jälkeen vuonna 2013 suosionsa huipulle. Sarjan nauttimasta innostuksesta kertoo jo se, että ohjaaja-käsikirjoittaja Atte Järvisen lopetuspäätöksestä huolimatta, YLE jatkoi sarjaa uuden tekijätiimin voimalla Pasila 2.5 - The Spin-off -version muodossa. Vaikka varsinaisen animaation viimeisestä kaudesta on ehtinyt kulua jo useampi vuosi, on Pasilaa tarkasteltu tutkimuksissa lähinnä animaatioteknisistä lähtökohdista. Sarjalla on kuitenkin annettavaa myös kirjallisuudentutkimukselle. Tässä kirjallisuuden maisterintutkielmas…
Mucin induces CRISPR-Cas defence in an opportunistic pathogen
AbstractParasitism by bacteriophages has led to the evolution of a variety of defense mechanisms in their host bacteria. However, it is unclear what factors lead to specific defenses being deployed upon phage infection. To explore this question, we exposed the bacterial fish pathogenFlavobacterium columnareto its virulent phage V156 in the presence of a eukaryotic host signal (mucin). All tested conditions led to some level of innate immunity, but the presence of mucin led to a dramatic increase in CRISPR spacer acquisition, especially in low nutrient conditions where over 60% of colonies had obtained at least one new spacer. Additionally, we show that the presence of a competitor bacterium…
Dataset for Mucin induces CRISPR-Cas defense in an opportunistic pathogen
This dataset contains raw data points of (1) phage-bacterium co-evolution experiment (flavobacterium columnare colony counts, phage counts, bacterial growth characteristics and number of CRISPR-Cas spacers) and (2) from competition experiment between Flavobacterium columnare and Aeromonas sp. For detailed method description, see the attached Documentation file.