Mario Shannon
Dehn surgeries and smooth structures on 3-dimensional transitive Anosov flows.
The present thesis is about Dehn surgeries and smooth structures associated with transitive Anosov flows in dimension three. Anosov flows constitute a very important class of dynamical systems, because of its persistent chaotic behaviour, as well as for its rich interaction with the topology of the ambient space. Even if a lot is known about the dynamical and ergodic properties of these systems, there is not a clear understanding about how to classify its different orbital equivalence classes. Until now, the biggest progress has been done in dimension three, where there is a family of techniques intended for the construction of Anosov flows called surgeries.During the realization of this th…
Seifert manifolds admitting partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
We characterize which 3-dimensional Seifert manifolds admit transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. In particular, a circle bundle over a higher-genus surface admits a transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism if and only if it admits an Anosov flow.