Amira Mouakher

De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies.

International audience

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An Ontology-Based Monitoring System in Vineyards of the Burgundy Region

Given the France's rich wine heritage as well as its pioneering position as the world's second wine producer, the production of high quality wines plays a role of primary importance. The recent development of IOT and efficient big data processing has been shown to provide purposeful issue to permanent monitoring during the entire wine making process. Standing within this trend, we introduce in this paper an intelligent system for vineyards monitoring in the Burgundy region. The main trust of the proposed system relies on the use of the Swrl rules in WineCloud ontology. The design of the ontology is mainly based on information gathered from interviews with wine growers. In addition, sensor d…

research product

Une ontologie de la culture de la vigne : des savoirs académiques aux savoirs d'expérience

16.00 Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE X-NONE Dans le cadre d’un projet FUI initie en octobre 2016 (projet winecloud ) visant a construire un outil de tracabilite et predictif du cycle de la vigne et du vin, un travail sur la collecte et la nature des savoirs a ete necessaire de maniere a penser un systeme ontologique qui se rapproche le plus du raisonnement du domaine metier. Le present article vise plus specifiquement a etudier le cycle de vie de la vigne. Nous rendons compte que les savoirs academiques presents dans les sources theoriques et scientifiques s’ajustent, se reactualisent a la lumiere des savoirs d’experience des viticulteurs. Ce travail s’attache egalement a analyser …

research product

STCMS: A Smart Thermal Comfort Monitor For Senior People

Undoubtedly, the steady increase in the number of elderly people is not to be underestimated. These demographic changes call attention to new challenges regarding adequate aging-in-place strategies. Since the majority of the senior population spend up to 90% of their time indoors, appropriate and comfortable housing represents an important foundation for such strategies. In this respect, different types of data gathered from sensors, connected devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies come to play an important role to support services for the elderly population in indoor environments. One of the aspects of concern is thermal comfort. In this paper, we introduce a new deep learning-…

research product

Preventing Overlaps in Agglomerative Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering is an unsupervised learning task, whi-ch seeks to build a set of clusters ordered by the inclusion relation. It is usually assumed that the result is a tree-like structure with no overlapping clusters, i.e., where clusters are either disjoint or nested. In Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering (HCC), each cluster is provided with a conceptual description which belongs to a predefined set called the pattern language. Depending on the application domain, the elements in the pattern language can be of different nature: logical formulas, graphs, tests on the attributes, etc. In this paper, we tackle the issue of overlapping concepts in the agglomerative approach of HCC. We …

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WINECLOUD: Une ontologie d'événements pour la modélisation sémantique des données de capteurs hétérogènes

International audience

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Bɪ-CомDᴇт: Community Detection in Bipartite Networks

Abstract Extracting hidden communities from bipartite networks witnessed a determined effort. In this respect, different streams of research relied on bipartite networks to unveil communities. In this paper, we introduce a new approach, called Bi-Comdet, that aims to an efficient community detection in bipartite networks. The main trust of the introduced approach is that it stresses on the importance of grouping two types of nodes in communities having a full connection between its nodes. The quality of the unveiled communities, is assessed through some metrics borrowed from the FCA community, to wit modularity, overlapping and stability. These metrics are then aggregated through the use of…

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