Mineralverwitterung, tonmineralbildung und rubefizierung in Terrae calcis der slowakei Ein beitrag zum paläoklimatischen aussagewert von kalkstein-Rotlehmen in Mitteleuropa
Mineral weathering, clay mineral formation and rubefication of Terrae calcis in Slovakia — A contribution to paleoclimatic evidence of limestone Rotlehm (terra rossa) in Central Europe Limestone Rotlehm (Terra rossa) is very often interpreted as a product of intensive mineral weathering and clay formation under subtropic (to tropic) climate. Especially the formation of hematite in soils as the main process of rubefication is generally believed to occur only in warm climates with a seasonal alternation of precipitation and drought. Fossil or relict Terrae rossae in Central Europe are therefore very often considered as witnesses of a corresponding paleoclimate. On the other side many authors …