Mariusz Gola
Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Two–Criteria Topological Design Problem of WAN with Budget and Delay Constraints
This paper studies the problem of designing wide area networks (WAN). In the paper the two-criteria topology assignment problem with two constraints is considered. The goal is select flow routes, channel capacities and network topology in order to minimize the total average delay per packet and the leasing cost of channels subject to the budget constraint and delay constraint. The problem is NP-complete. Then, the branch and bound method is used to construct the exact algorithm. Also the approximate algorithm is presented. Some computational results are reported. Based on computational experiments, several properties of the considered problem are formulated.
The Two-Criteria Topological Design Problem in WAN with Delay Constraint: An Algorithm and Computational Results
The problem is concerned with designing of wide area networks (WAN). The problem consists in selection of flow routes, channel capacities and wide area network topology in order to minimize the total average delay per packet and the leasing cost of channels subject to delay constraint. The problem is NP complete. Then, the branch and bound method is used to construct the exact algorithm. Lower bound of the criterion function is proposed. Computational results are reported. Based on computational experiments, several properties of the considered problem are formulated.
Approximate Algorithm for Fast Capacity Provisioning in WANs with Trade-Off between Performance and Cost under Budget Constraint
Due to the emergence of Software Defined Networking (SDN) with the idea of centralized control over computer networks, the Capacity and Flow Assignment Problem (CFA) may be approached in a classical non-distributed fashion in real-life scenarios. The question arises whether a heuristical approach to this NP-complete problem is of any use in practice.
Virtual Environment for Implementation and Testing Private Wide Area Network Solutions
In this paper the concept of virtual environment for implementation and testing private Wide Area Network (WAN) solutions is presented. The VMware vSphere virtualization platform is used. The paper presents the ability to reflect the structure of any given WAN topology using Vyatta software routers and VMware virtualization platform and verifies its reliability regarding data transfer. The paper includes a number of performance tests to verify the dependability of the proposed solution and provide a proof-of-concept for the network topology during the Design phase of the PPDIOO methodology, right before the Implementation phase.
Designing Frame Relay WAN Networks with Trade-Off between Link Cost and Performance
This paper is focused on the problem of designing a Wide Area Network topology with trade-off between link cost and response time to users. The L2 technology chosen for the research is a Frame Relay based solution. The link capacities in the network and the routes used by packets are determined in a way to minimize network cost and response time at the same time. In FR networks link capacity corresponds directly to CIR parameter which makes the presented numerical results very useful in practice, especially during preliminary network design in the Design Phase of the PPDIOO methodology.