Maria José Alemany-anchel

Expired Tidal Volume and Respiratory Rate During Postnatal Stabilization of Newborn Infants Born at Term via Cesarean Delivery

Objective To retrieve evolving respiratory measures in the first minutes after birth in normal neonates born at term using a respiratory function monitor. Study design We evaluated newborn babies delivered at term via cesarean after uncomplicated pregnancies. Immediately after birth, a respiratory function monitor with an adapted flowmeter and a face mask were applied at 2, 5, and 10 minutes after birth for 90 seconds in each period. We analyzed expired and inspired tidal volume, respiratory rate (RR), percentage of leakage, and number of analyzed breaths in each individual infant's recording using a respiratory research software. Results A total of 243 infants completed the study. The fina…

research product

Delayed vs Immediate Cord Clamping Changes Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate Patterns in the First Minutes after Birth

Objective To build arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR) percentiles for the first 10 minutes after birth in term infants born after an uneventful gestation, vaginal delivery, and delayed cord clamping (DCC) for ≥60 seconds, and to compare our results with previous ones constructed after immediate cord clamping. Study design Preductal SpO2, HR, and timing of DCC immediately after complete fetal body expulsion were recorded. The pulse-oximeter was adjusted in the right wrist/hand and set at maximal intensity and measurements performed every 2 seconds. Results A total of 282 term newborn infants were included. The definitive data set comprised of 70 257 SpO2 and 79 746 HR meas…

research product