Management of Oral Anti-Coagulation in Patients with Heart Failure-Insights from the ThrombEVAL Study
AbstractPatients with heart failure (HF) are frequently anti-coagulated with vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs). The use of long-acting VKA may be preferable for HF patients due to higher stability of plasma concentrations. However, evidence on phenprocoumon-based oral anti-coagulation (OAC) therapy in HF is scarce. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the presence of HF on quality of phenprocoumon-based OAC and the subsequent clinical outcome. Quality of OAC therapy and the incidence of adverse events were analysed in a cohort of regular care (n = 2,011) from the multi-centre thrombEVAL study program (NCT01809015) stratified by the presence of HF. To assess the modifiability of outc…