Miracidial infectivity of Hypoderaeum conoideum (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae): differential susceptibility of two lymnaeid species.
A study was made of the infectivity of Hypoderaeum conoideum miracidia to a range of laboratory-reared specimens of freshwater snail species (Lymnaea peregra, L. corvus, Physella acuta, and Gyraulus chinensis) that coexist with the parasite in the same natural habitat. L. peregra and L. corvus were found to be equally susceptible to the parasite when specimens of each snail species were singly exposed to miracidia. However, when miracidia could choose either lymnaeid species, they showed a high degree of specificity toward L. peregra. The results obtained suggest that H. conoideum miracidia are capable of distinguishing among these lymnaeids in their orientation to the host. This indicates …