Multi-analyte method for the analysis of legacy and alternative brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in food products of animal origin using gas chromatography - magnetic sector high resolution mass spectrometry
Abstract An analytical method was developed and validated for the analysis of 32 halogenated flame retardants (HFRs), including 13 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), 9 dechlorane-related compounds (DRCs) and 10 of the so-called alternative BFRs in food samples of animal origin. Gas chromatography (GC) coupled with magnetic sector high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) was used for the instrumental analysis. Intralaboratory validation of the developed method was performed in terms of recovery, repeatability, linear calibration ranges, instrumental and method limits of quantitation (i-LOQ and m-LOQ). Where possible, trueness was verified by the analysis of reference materials (RMs). Fo…