X. Liang
Single particle structure of exotic nuclei with transfer reactions
International audience; We report here on the first results obtained from the study of the 24Ne(d, p)25Ne reaction performed with SPIRAL beam at GANIL using the new TIARA+V AMOS+EXOGAM setup.
Isomers and high-spin structures in the N=81 isotones Xe135 and Ba137
The high-spin structures of the N = 81 isotones 135Xe and 137Ba are investigated after multinucleontransfer (MNT) and fusion-evaporation reactions. Both nuclei are populated in (i) 136Xe+238U and (ii) 136Xe+208Pb MNT reactions employing the high-resolution Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) coupled to the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA, (iii), in the 136Xe+198Pt MNT reaction employing the -ray array GAMMASPHERE in combination with the gas detector array Chico, and (iv) via a 11B+130Te fusion-evaporation reaction. The high-spin level schemes of 135Xe and 137Ba are considerably extended to higher energies. The 2058-keV (19=2 ) state in 135Xe is identified as an isomer, completing the systema…
Measurement of CP asymmetry in Bs0 → Ds ∓K± decays
Journal of high energy physics 2018(3), 59 (2018). doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2018)059
Fusion of Digital Television, Broadband Internet and Mobile Communications - Part I of II: Enabling Technologies
Nucleon transfer via (d,p) using TIARA with a24Ne radioactive beam
NESTER; The first physics results measured using the TIARA array are reported. The reaction $^{24}$Ne(d,p)$^{25}$Ne has been studied in inverse kinematics with a radioactive beam of $^(24)$Ne provided by SPIRAL at GANIL. TIARA is very compact with a high geometrical coverage for charged particles, and is designed specifically for the study of transfer reactions in inverse kinematics, with radioactive beams. From the (d,p) differential cross sections, the ground state of $^{25}$Ne is assigned to have $J^\pi$ = $1/2^+$ and the lowest states with $J^\pi$ = $5/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ are tentatively identified at excitation energies of 1.70 and 2.05 (±0.05) MeV, respectively. Coincident gamma-ray data…
Study of medium-spin states of neutron-rich 87, 89, 91Rb isotopes
International audience; Excited states of the rubidium isotopes$_{37}^{87, 89, 91}$Rb have been studied at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory. Measurements of the $\gamma$ -ray decay of fragments produced in binary grazing reactions resulting from the interaction of a beam of 530 MeV$^{96}$Zr ions with a$^{124}$Sn target have been complemented by studies of the $\gamma$ -ray decay of fission fragments produced in the interaction of a beam of 230 MeV$^{36}$S ions with a thick$^{176}$Yb target. The structure of the yrast states of$_{37}^{87, 89, 91}$Rb has been discussed within the context of spherical shell-model and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations.
High-spin structures in Xe132 and Xe133 and evidence for isomers along the N=79 isotones
Author(s): Vogt, A; Siciliano, M; Birkenbach, B; Reiter, P; Hadynska-Klȩk, K; Wheldon, C; Valiente-Dobon, JJ; Teruya, E; Yoshinaga, N; Arnswald, K; Bazzacco, D; Blazhev, A; Bracco, A; Bruyneel, B; Chakrawarthy, RS; Chapman, R; Cline, D; Corradi, L; Crespi, FCL; Cromaz, M; De Angelis, G; Eberth, J; Fallon, P; Farnea, E; Fioretto, E; Fransen, C; Freeman, SJ; Fu, B; Gadea, A; Gelletly, W; Giaz, A; Gorgen, A; Gottardo, A; Hayes, AB; Hess, H; Hetzenegger, R; Hirsch, R; Hua, H; John, PR; Jolie, J; Jungclaus, A; Karayonchev, V; Kaya, L; Korten, W; Lee, IY; Leoni, S; Liang, X; Lunardi, S; MacChiavelli, AO; Menegazzo, R; Mengoni, D; Michelagnoli, C; Mijatovic, T; Montagnoli, G; Montanari, D; Muller-…
Fusion of Digital Television, Broadband Internet and Mobile Communications - Part II of II: Future Service Scenarios
An investigation of polymeric nanocomposite: Surface functionalization and nanofiller effect
High-spin structure of Xe134
A. Vogt et al. ; 12 págs.; 9 figs.; 1 tab.
Migration of Nuclear Shell Gaps Studied in thed(Ne24,pγ)Ne25Reaction
The transfer of neutrons onto 24Ne has been measured using a reaccelerated radioactive beam of 24Ne to study the (d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics. The unusual raising of the first 3/2+ level in 25Ne and its significance in terms of the migration of the neutron magic number from N=20 to N=16 is put on a firm footing by confirmation of this state's identity. The raised 3/2+ level is observed simultaneously with the intruder negative parity 7/2- and 3/2- levels, providing evidence for the reduction in the N=20 gap. The coincident gamma-ray decays allowed the assignment of spins as well as the transferred orbital angular momentum. The excitation energy of the 3/2+ state shows that the estab…
High-spin states in the neutron-rich A∼100 region
Two experimental setups have been used to study excited states of neutron‐rich nuclei in the A∼100 region. Extended level schemes and lifetime measurements were obtained using deep‐inelastic and fusion‐fission reactions with the CLARA‐PRISMA spectrometer and the Ge‐array GASP respectively. Experimental information from GASP has been used to complement the CLARA‐PRISMA experiment. Time spectra have been used to measure the lifetimes of isomeric states. Preliminary results are presented for 89Rb.