Michel Toupet
Measuring threshold and latency of motion perception on a swinging bed.
Introduction Our objective was to develop and to evaluate a system to measure latency and threshold of pendular motion perception based on a swinging bed. Materials and methods This prospective study included 30 healthy adults (age: 32 ± 12 years). All subjects were tested twice with a 10 min. interval. A second trial was conducted 2 to 15 days after. A rehabilitation swinging bed was connected to an electronic device emitting a beep at the beginning of each oscillation phase with an adjustable time lag. Subjects were blindfolded and auditory cues other than the beep were minimized. The acceleration threshold was measured by letting the bed oscillate freely until a natural break and asking…
Attraction de la vertical visuelle subjective vers le côté de la présentation initiale de la barre : effet de l’âge, du sexe et des désordres vestibulaires
But de la presentation La deviation de la verticale visuelle subjective (VVS) du cote de la presentation initiale de la barre a ete deja decrite dans un petit echantillon de patients. Le but de ce travail etait de mesurer cet effet dans une large population de patients et de sujets sains. De plus, nous avons etudie l’effet du sexe, de l’âge et de la pathologie vestibulaire sur cette deviation induite. Materiel et methodes Six mille quatre cent vingt patients consecutifs avec un large eventail de pathologies vestibulaires et 315 sujets sains ont beneficie d’un examen clinique et instrumental complet incluant la mesure de la VVS. La moyenne d’âge etait de 55 ans (extremes : 3–97 ans) et le se…
Action Representation in Patients with Bilateral Vestibular Impairments
During mental actions subjects feel themselves performing a movement without any corresponding motor output. Although broad information is available regarding the influence of central lesions on action representation, little is known about how peripheral damages affect mental events. In the current study, we investigated whether lack of vestibular information influences action representation. Twelve healthy adults and twelve patients with bilateral vestibular damage actually performed and mentally simulated walking and drawing. The locomotor paths implied one (first walking task) and four (second walking task) changes in the walking direction. In the drawing task, participants drew on a she…
Effect of Rotating Auditory Scene on Postural Control in Normal Subjects, Patients With Bilateral Vestibulopathy, Unilateral, or Bilateral Cochlear Implants.
International audience; Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a rotating sound stimulation on the postural performances in normal subjects, patients with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP), unilateral (UCI), and bilateral (BCD cochlear implantees.Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine adults were included (32 women and 37 men) in a multicenter prospective study. The group included 37 healthy subjects, 10 BVP, 15 UCI, and 7 BCI patients. The average of age was 47 +/- 2.0 (range: 23-82). In addition to a complete audiovestibular work up, a dynamic posturography (Multitest Framiral, Grasse) was conducted in silence and with a rotating cocktail party sound delivered by headph…