Mia Tammelin

24/7 -talous kuormittaa perheitä ja lapsia

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Digital technologies shape our embodied lives and affect our knowledge of the self and the world. The introductory chapter of the book presents the state of the art in the research on digitalisation of health and social care work, with a focus on care for older people. In ageing societies, understanding what it takes to introduce and use digital technologies can pave the way to a successful, sustainable, and equally accessible system of social care and healthcare provision for older people. The chapter discusses some of the limitations in the present discussion and how the book at hand aims to address these gaps. The chapter proposes that living in an increasingly digitalised world requires…

research product

Lone-Parent Families in Europe

The increase of lone-parent families is a common phenomenon across Europe. Lone parent families have been the focus of extensive research as these families are in a vulnerable position in society. In this chapter we firstly explore the proportion of lone-parent families across the European Union; secondly, the employment patterns of lone parents; and thirdly, we look at the employment rate by education of the lone parent in lone-parent families in the European Union. This study stems from the realization that there is a need to learn more about the situation of lone parents and to characterize their heterogeneity. Low socio-economic status might be connected with low income, work that is lo…

research product

Policy Alienation in Frontline Social Work – A Study of Social Workers’ Responses to a Major Anticipated Social and Health Care Reform in Finland

Change in the policy and ideology governing social and health care has been much debated in the Western welfare states, including in Finland, where the public sector has witnessed a shift towards a market and managerial ideology in a climate of austerity. These changes affect organisations as well as individual workers. Social workers implement social policies in their daily work, and are thus positioned in between policies and clients. This may expose them to feelings of unease in the implementation of certain policies. In this study, we apply the policy alienation framework of Tummers and colleagues (2009. “Policy Alienation of Public Professionals: Application in a new Public Management …

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Vanhusten perhehoidon jännitteet

Varsinais-Suomen Eläkkensaajien piirikokouksessa hyväksyttiin julkilausuma, jossa jyrkästi tuomittiin vanhusten perhehoitosuunnitelmat. Sitä pidettiin paluuna huutolaisaikaan, jolloin lapsia ja vanhuksia "myytiin" halvimman tarjoajan antaneelle. Eläkkeensaajien mielestä monimuotoiset vanhuspalvelut tulee tuottaa pääoskin julkaisen hallinnon toimesta, koska palvelujen kaupallistaminen johtaa lisääntyvässä määrin niihin laadullisiin ongelmiin, joista nyt tiedotusvälineet päivittäin kertovat. (Eläkkeensaajien Keskusliiton Varsinais-Suomen piirin syyskokous Turussa 23.11.2012) nonPeerReviewed

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Mobile life of middle-aged employees : fragmented time and softer schedules

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Suomalaisen vangin arjen rakenteet vankeusaikana

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Work, Time and Family: Is It Possible to Identify European Family Working Time Regimes?

Overall in Europe, over the past decades there has been a shift from the male-breadwinner to the dual-earner model, but with a varying pace, and it has even been claimed that the rise of the dual earning households is one of the most significant social trends that has impacted European societies. In order to capture more carefully the variation of the family working time patterns, research has clustered European countries into family working time regimes or clusters. As men’s position in the labour market has been more stable over time, the change in women’s position in the labour markets is the core of explaining the changing family work patterns. Research has shown that family working tim…

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Työtilajärjestelyjen monet merkitykset

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Technology management, networking positions and work/life boundaries among working adult students

In this digitalised world, crossing boundaries between life domains is becoming increasingly easy. We are constantly faced with the need to define whether we are online or offline, and technology management is now an integral part of daily life. Technology management, which is affected by the individual's networking position, has different components: connectivity management, online self-presentation and privacy management. The objective of this study is to explore technology management strategies among working adult students. The study identifies three networking positions: socio-affective enthusiasts, context-contingent pragmatists and pragmatic avoiders. These three groups have specific …

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Rajanveto työn ja perheen välille vaatii yhä enemmän taitoa

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Suomen työmarkkinoiden rakenteet, insituutiot ja toiminta

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Luottamus teknologiaan on koetuksella

Laitteiden ja sovellusten toimimattomuus vaikeuttaa vanhustyön tekemistä enemmän kuin palkansaajilla keskimäärin. Luottamuksen rakentaminen teknologiaan vaatii aikaa, kärsivällisyyttä ja kehitystyötä. nonPeerReviewed

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Framing digital competence in media work - The case of Finland

PurposeThis article aims to study digital competence (DC) in media work.Design/methodology/approachThe authors utilize frame analysis to investigate how DC is framed in media work using 30 semi-structured interviews as data with journalists in Finland.FindingsThe authors identify three main frames of DC in the context of media work. The individual attitude frame emphasizes employees' attitudes toward DC, the team-level support frame underlines the need for support in the work community and the organizational-level practice frame highlights enablers of and organizations' requirements for digital competence.Practical implicationsFirst, media workers' DC is necessary to enhance work efficiency…

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Ohueksi jäävä sukupuolinäkökulma perheellistymiseen

Kirja-arvostelu: Sz.Oláh, Livia & Frątczak, Ewa (toim.) Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan. 2013. 224 sivua. nonPeerReviewed

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Arjen rytmit, perhe ja teknologia

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Introduction: Working Time, Family and Wellbeing

Time is fundamental to the orchestration and synchronisation of the social life of families, communities and societies. Working time has various dimensions that are important for individuals as well as for families, each of the dimensions hold potential outcomes for health and welfare at an individual and family level. Yet not all workers are faced by these challenges equally. Importantly, differences occur based on gender and socio-economic position, which are examined throughout the chapters of this book.

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Group‐based instant messaging in Finnish residential elder care work : taming the technology or vice versa?

As new communication technologies become embedded in care work, there is a need to understand how they affect its temporal order. This article analyses group-based mobile instant messaging (IM) in residential elder care work in Finland. The article asks (i) how care workers use group-based messaging for work; and (ii) how they negotiate the rules for its use. Theoretically, the article draws on science and technology studies focusing on ‘taming’ and ‘unleashing’ (Pols, 2017), and temporality (Wajcman, 2008). Analysis is based on a qualitative interview study of care workers and nurses (n = 25) conducted in 2018. The results showed how the time-shifting functionality of IM allows employees t…

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Lehden toimitus Jyväskylään – jatkuvuuksia ja uudistumista

Pääkirjoitus nonPeerReviewed

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Vanhustyön digitalisaatio : työntekijät teknologian kehittäjiksi

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Working time and family time : experiences of the work and family interface among dual-earning couples in Finland

Mia Tammelin tarkasteli tutkimuksessaan perheiden työaikakäytäntöjä vuosien 1977 ja 2003 välisenä aikana, kokemuksia työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisesta sekä perheiden käyttämiä aikastrategioita. Tutkimus keskittyi kahden työssäkäyvän palkansaajien perheisiin, jotka ovat Suomessa yleisiä, mutta joista ei ole paljon tutkimustietoa. Työaikakäytännöissä ei ole, pitkästä tarkasteluajanjaksosta huolimatta, tapahtunut radikaalia muutosta tai murrosta. Niin sanottu jälkiteollinen työaikaregiimi näkyy kuitenkin työaikakäytännöissä: yhä useampi tekee joko pitkää tai lyhyttä työaikaa ja työskentelee muuhun kuin päiväaikaan. Työ on yhä kiireisempää ja vaikutusmahdollisuudet työaikaan ovat lisääntynee…

research product

Work-Family Border Styles and Mobile Technology

Technological innovations and particularly mobile technology have many, complex implications for social life. All in all, mobile technology creates a paradox for employed parents: mobile phones enable better coordination and lower parents’ anxiety over family routines, yet the use of mobile technology increases the need for multitasking and increases the emotional burden of managing multiple roles. It is important to identify differences between workers as not everyone is able to use the possibilities of constant connectivity. This chapter addresses two interlinked topics: first, the possibility for employed parents to occupy different social domains concurrently with mobile technology and …

research product

Vanhustyö ja teknologia. Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimus 2019 : Katsaus tutkimusaineistoon

Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimuksessa kerätään tietoa vanhus- ja hoivatyön teknologisoitumista sekä työntekijöistä, työn luonteesta ja työoloista vuosina 2019−2025. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada ajantasainen kuva teknologisten laitteiden ja palveluiden käytöstä vanhuspalveluissa ja hoivatyössä sekä selvittää digiteknologioiden käytön merkityksiä ja yhteyksiä työoloihin ja päivittäisiin työrutiineihin sekä hoivasuhteisiin. Kyselytutkimus on osa Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikön (CoE AgeCare) tutkimustoimintaa. Kysely toteutettiin ensimmäisen kerran huhtikuussa 2019, jolloin kyselyyn saatiin 6 903 vastausta. Vastaajista 3 758 liittyi vastaajapaneeliin. Kyselyn…

research product

Eldercare work and technology. 2019 University of Jyväskylä survey study on eldercare work : Overview of survey data

University of Jyväskylä has launched a survey study on eldercare work aimed to obtain information on 1) employees working with services for older people, 2) the nature of the work and working conditions in services for older people and 3) a current view of the use of technology in services for older people. The goal is to examine how the use of digital technologies is linked to working conditions, daily work routines and care relationships and to monitor the nature of care work and its digitalisation during 2019-2025. The first baseline survey was conducted on April 2019 resulting with 6 903 answers and of the respondents, 3,758 joined the respondent panel. The 2019 survey data shows that i…

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