Didzis Berenis

Stability of electrically conducting liquid flow driven by a rotating magnetic dipole in a ring channel

The stability of electrically conducting liquid flow in a cylindrical ring channel is studied numerically. The flow is driven by a rotating magnetic dipole placed at the ring’s center. Depending on ring’s width, two distinct flow regimes are observed. In a narrow ring, the flow itself and its instability resemble the related rotating magnetic field driven flow in a cylinder. This changes in a wide ring when an intense radial jet develops on the midplane. Within this jet, the driving magnetic force is overwhelmed by inertial and viscous forces similar to how it occurs in the boundary layer flow. The instability develops as an azimuthally periodic wave-like deformation of this jet. Non-unifor…

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Plūsmas asimptotisks atrisinājums šķidra metāla paraugā stipros mainīgos un pastāvīgos magnētiskos laukos

Darbā ir veikts aprēķins cilindrā šķidra metāla plūsmai, kuru dzen kombinēts mainīgs un pastāvīgs magnētiskais lauks. Šāda lauka forma tiek izmantota nanodaļiņu izkliedēšanai šķidros metālos. Gadījumā ar stipru pastāvīgu magnētisko lauku, cilindra izliekumu laukam paralēlajā robežslāni var neņemt vērā. Kad mainīgā lauka radītais skinslānis ir daudz lielāks par robežslāni, stacionārā plūsma ir atkarīga tikai no viena parametra, kas nosaka nelineāro inerciālo locekļu svaru. Vienādojumi ir atrisināti analītiski mazām galvenā parametra vērtībām un ar divām skaitliskām spektrālajām metodēm pie lielām parametra vērtībām gan ar pielipšanas robežnosacījumu, gan ar brīvu virsmu vertikālajai sānu rob…

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Analytical induced force solution in conducting cylindrical bodies and rings due to a rotating finite permanent magnet

Abstract Using exact expression of the magnetic field we derive analytical expression for the induced current density and volume force in a solid conducting cylinder and ring due to a coaxial rotating finite permanent magnet with transverse magnetization. The integral torque is calculated from these expressions and validated with numerical and experimental results. Conditions for useful magnetic field approximations are found.

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Permanent magnet bottom-stirred swirling flow in coaxial shallow cylindrical containers

Here, an original rotating permanent magnet (RPM) system placed coaxially with the liquid metal container is studied as an effective means of generating flow in shallow cylinders for potential application in aluminum metallurgy (e.g., for ladle stirring and metal dosing). The studied RPM system generates volume force with strong axial variation and force maximum near the radial midpoint. The numerical and experimental data show that, in the shallow cylinder case, the azimuthal velocity follows the force radial distribution. The resulting velocity maximum occurs near the radial midpoint, unlike in the traditional rotating magnetic field (RMF) stirrer systems, where the velocity maximum occur…

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Data for: Analytical induced force solution in conducting cylindrical bodies and rings due to a rotating finite permanent magnet

Implementation of analytical current density solution in numerical calculations using Wolfram Mathematica software. THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOVE

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