G. Cuccia

Multiple sclerosis in twins from continental Italy and Sardinia: a nationwide study.

Knowledge about the balance between heritable and nonheritable risk in multiple sclerosis (MS) is based on twin studies in high-prevalence areas. In a study that avoided ascertainment limitations and directly compared continental Italy (medium-prevalence) and Sardinia (high-prevalence), we ascertained 216 pairs from 34,549 patients. This gives a twinning rate of 0.62% among MS patients, significantly less than that of the general population. In continental Italy, probandwise concordance was 14.5% (95% confidence interval, 5.1-23.8) for monozygotic and 4.0% (95% confidence interval, 0.8-7.1) for dizygotic twins. Results in Sardinia resemble those in northern populations but in limited number…

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L'Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica nell'Italia del Novecento

L'articolo illustra l'evoluzione dell'Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica nel Novecento: dal periodo fascista alla Legge Fanfani e all'istituzione dell’INA-Casa, e poi dal Piano Gescal all’ultimo Ventennio. Il testo evidenzia alcuni dei fenomeni che hanno rivoluzionato il modo di vivere e che hanno aperto la strada alla rivoluzione abitativa del terzo millennio, attenta alle questioni ambientali e sociali, capace di fuggire dalla omologazione dilagante del passato e carattterizzata dalla flessibilità e dall'adattamento ai mutati modelli di vita.

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Laboratorio I di Progettazione Architettonica

Il breve saggio definisce le linee guida della didattica della progettazione architettonica del I anno specificandone gli obbiettivi, i contenuti e le finalità.

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The relapse rate of multiple sclerosis changes during pregnancy: a cohort study

Objective – To evaluate the influence of pregnancy and puerperium on the relapse rate of multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods – We determined retrospectively the yearly mean relapse rate (MRR) during pregnancies occurring in the course of relapsing–remitting MS. We compared the MRR of pregnancy-time with that of non-pregnancy time by paired t-test. Relative risk (RR) of relapses during the pregnancy-time was also compared with that of non-pregnancy time by χ2 analysis and 95% confidence intervals. Results – From a population of 351 women affected by clinically definite MS, only 70 reported pregnancies during their relapsing–remitting phase of MS for a total of 98 pregnancies. Both MRR (P = 0.00…

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