M Ferrante
Religious confession privilege in Italy
In Italy, the secrecy of confession practised in some religious denominations and especially in the [Roman] Catholic Church, is widely recognised. Indeed, it is so widely recognised that it is not perceived as a particular concession to religion, even less as a privilege, but rather as a to religious freedom guaranteed by art 19 of the Constitution of the Italian (‘Italian Constitution’ or ‘Constitution’) which is a subjective and public right since it can be enforced against the state. In other words, this protection of religious belief and action in the Italian Constitution denies that the state may limit religious confession and the secrecy of that confession by law or administrative act…
Interregional mobility, socio-economic inequality and mortality among cancer patients
This paper investigates 3-years mortality after discharge in patients residing in Sicily (Italy) diagnosed with cancer among: colon, stomach, liver, and lungs, between 1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011. The effect of mobility and socio-economic status on mortality is evaluated through survival analysis approach. Results shows that out-of-region hospitalization is associated with higher survival time; no association of mortality with socio-economic status appears. The extent of patients’ mobility, and its relation with mortality raises regional policy considerations
Impatto dei predatori lungo un gradiente forestale di urbanizzazione in Danimarca
Lungo un gradiente di urbanizzazione che va dalla foresta, dominata da Fagus selvatica, ai frammenti della foresta originale nel parco urbano di Sorø a sud della Danimarca (Isola Zelanda), i coleotteri carabidi non dimostrano un decremento nella loro diversità generale, ma le specie che hanno una preferenza nei confronti della foresta diminuiscono (Magura & al. 2010, Global Ecol. Biogegoraphy). Cercando una spiegazione per quest’anomalia, si sono analizzati i tassi di predazione e competizione nei differenti habitat a diversi livelli di urbanizzazione. A tal fine è stato utilizzato un metodo innovativo (Howe & al. 2009, Entomol. Exp. Appl.), che consiste nella disposizione di larve artifici…
Strategies for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in Urban Areas: The Erice 50 Charter
The Erice 50 Charter titled "Strategies for Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion in Urban Areas" was unanimously approved at the conclusion of the 50th Residential Course "Urban Health. Instruments for promoting health and for assessing hygienic and sanitary conditions in urban areas", held from 29th March to 2nd April 2017 in Erice, at the "Ettore Majorana" Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture and promoted by the International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine "G. D'Alessandro" and the Study Group "Building Hygiene" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). At the conclusion of the intense learning experience during the Course…
Effect of pre-operatory low-level laser therapy on pain, swelling, and trismus associated with third-molar surgery
Background The extraction of impacted third molars is commonly associated to pain, edema, trismus, limited jaw opening and movements. The aim of this retrospective study is to verify if pre-surgical low-level laser therapy (LLLT) associated with the extraction of impacted lower third molars could add benefits to the postoperative symptoms respect LLLT performed only after surgery. Material and Methods Data from 45 patients subjected to a surgical extraction of lower third molars were pooled and divided into three groups. Patients that received only routine management were inserted in the control group. Group 1, were patients that received LLLT immediately after surgery and at 24 hours. In g…
Cruise passengers' expenditure at destinations: Review of survey techniques and data collection
Spending by cruise passengers constitutes an important contribution to the economy of destinations. The issues related to the analysis of the expenditure have been widely debated for many years both in the scientific literature and in the common political debate. Despite 20 years of empirical research on this topic, not consolidated quantification methods exist to inform the debate. This work offers a brief review of the principal research on cruise tourist spending. It analyses the main characteristics of the surveys, reviews the different methods and techniques employed as well as assesses the main results. The article concludes with a discussion of the studies conducted and identifies fu…
Igiene dell'ambiente: inquinamento atmosferico, gestione dei rifiuti e gestione delle acque
Lung density distribution in dynamic CT correlates with oxygenation in ventilated pigs with lavage ARDS † †This study contains parts of the doctoral thesis of Elena Ribel.
Background Fast dynamic computed tomography (dCT) has been used to assess regional dynamics of lung inflation and deflation processes. The aim of this study was to relate ventilation-induced changes in lung density distribution, as measured over several respiratory cycles by dCT, to oxygenation and shunt fraction in a lavage acute respiratory distress syndrome model. Methods Six anaesthetized pigs underwent pressure-constant ventilation (F I O2=1.0, inspiratory:expiratory ratio=1:1) before and after induction of lung damage by saline lavage. Mean airway pressure ( P a μ w μ ) was varied (8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, and 38 cm H2O) in random order. At each P a μ w μ level, dCT acquisitions were pe…