Salvador Algarabel González

Effect of retention interval on the simultaneous cognate-noncognate and remember-know mirror effects.

Recognition memory for Spanish-Catalan cognate and noncognate words was tested at retention intervals of 30 minutes, 3 days, and 7 days using a remember/know response procedure. We observed a clear mirror effect for the cognate-noncognate stimulus class and a remember-know response categorisation at the immediate retention interval. However, the cognate and noncognate mirror was still observed at 3 and 7 days, whereas the remember-know mirror disappeared at both retention intervals. Also, we ran a repeated testing condition to be able to carry out a sequential item analysis and observe the fate of the original remember and know responses 3 or 7 days later. The analysis supported the idea th…

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Familiaridad y recuerdo en el reconocimiento de rostros ficticios : implicaciones para los modelos de reconocimiento

Resumen tomado de la publicación. Resumen también en inglés Mediante el paradigma experimental de ÷recordar-saber los sujetos llevaron a cabo una tarea de reconocimiento de rostros ficticios, en la que manipulamos en tres condiciones entre sujetos el tipo de cambio acaecido en los rostros entre las fases de estudio y reconocimiento (mediante la inclusión o no arrugas en los mismos: sin cambio, con cambio sencillo, o con doble cambio). Nuestro objetivo era analizar si con dicho procedimiento maximizábamos los juicios de familiaridad y si así los resultados se acomodaban mejor a las predicciones de los modelos duales de reconocimiento o a los modelos basados en la teoría de detección de señal…

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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Resumen también en inglés Las dos principales posiciones teóricas respecto al reconocimiento arguyen que en éste intervienen sólo la familiaridad, o la familiaridad y el recuerdo conjuntamente. En tres experimentos analizamos la bondad del ajuste de ambas posiciones respecto a datos experimentales donde manipulamos la información contextual asociada al ítem de estudio. En los experimentos 1 y 2 analizamos la disponibilidad de la información contextual tanto en el reconocimiento del ítem, como del contexto, como de su relación asociativa. En el experimento 3 sometimos a los sujetos a una tarea de pluralidad con el propósito de que se vieran forzados a usar l…

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Familiaridad y recuerdo en el reconocimiento de rostros ficticios: Implicaciones para los modelos de reconocimiento

Familiarity and recollection in fictitious face recognition: Implications for recognition models. Using the «remember-know» paradigm, participants were engaged in a fictitious face recognition experiment in which three between-subject conditions were manipulated by either adding or not adding wrinkles on the faces between the study and the recognition tasks (no change, single change, double change). Our hypothesis was that this procedure would maximize judgments based on familiarity, thus deter- mining whether data provided better fit to the models based on the signal detection theory or to predictions of dual models. In global terms, our results support the signal detection model predictio…

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Context, Remember-Know recognition judgments and ROC parameters

Recent work (e.g., Dunn, 2004; Heathcote, 2003) has questioned the necessity of postulating two processes to explain recognition memory. As part of this trend, strength theories of the remember􏰀know methodology have gained in support. We present three experiments with pictorial material in which we force participants to use differential contextual information at test. Participants were required to give remember-know judgements and confidence ratings for each test stimulus. Hits, false alarms, remember-know data, and discrimination indices indicated systematic variations as a function of the availability and use of contextual information. Moreover, when we normalised the receiver operating …

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Título: Effect of practice, mapping, stimulus and size on string matching revista: Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1987, 65, 991-994. Clave: A

The same-different discrepancy on a matching task on which the subject had to determine the number of common elements (physically identical and appearing in the same position) between two strings of size 1 to 4 was investigated. Manipulated also were the type of presentation (fixed or varied sets), amount of practice (four blocks), and type of stimulus (letters, words). Reaction times for pure positive responses (all same at each level) were faster than negative responses (all different), confirming the usual discrepancy shown in previous studies. The discrepancy was smaller for well-learned sets (fixed sets) and for words, indicating the development of a comparison process based on global …

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Remember, know, confidence and the mirror effect: Changes as a function of discriminability conditions

Recognition memory for Spanish-Catalan cognate and noncognate words was testedatretentionintervalsof20minutes,1hour,and24hours(Experiment1) using a remember/know response procedure, and requiring a confidence judgement on the yes/no response. Noncognate words were accompanied by more ``remem- ber'' responses than cognates, and overall A9 was significantly different from remember A9, except in the cognate condition at the longest retention interval. A strong mirror effect for the cognate±noncognate stimulus class was found for overall responding, and for high but not low confidence, indicating a differential use of recollection and familiarity in recognition. In general, the pattern of resul…

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Differences in familiarity according to the cognitive reserve of healthy elderly people

This study examines the relationship between cognitive reserve and familiarity processes in recognition memory. We hypothesize that people with high cognitive reserve are able to better compensate in alternative information retrieval processes. Forty-five participants, divided into high and low cogni- tive reserve groups, conducted a recognition experiment where they were asked to discriminate between studied and non-studied words that varied in perceptual familiarity. The results indicated that participants were able to use perceptual familiarity to improve their level of recognition. More importantly, people with high cognitive reserve used familiarity better than those with low cognitive…

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Implicit relational effects in associative recognition

We study the contribution of implicit relatedness to associative recognition in two experiments. In the first experiment, we showed an implicit improvement in recognition when the stimulus elements of each word pair shared common letters and they were unpaired at test. Moreover, when asked to study the stimuli under divided attention, recollection was affected, but not the effect of perceptual familiarity. In a second experiment, we replicated the effect of divided attention, and we showed that it did not affect the familiarity measured by a choice test at the item level. Overall, both experiments indicated that familiarity acts by unitizing the association, and not simply by establishing s…

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Olvido dirigido de falsas memorias: ¿Podemos olvidar intencionalmente una falsa memoria?

Directed forgetting of false memories: Can we forget a false memory? In two directed forgetting experiments subjects were required to forget some false memories. In experiment 1 the 13 words from list 1 were related to a non presented critical word whereas the 13 words from list 2 were unrelated. In experiment 2 both list 1 and 2 had 18 words: 6 words related to a first critical word, 6 related to a second critical word, and the last 6 words to a third critical word. None of both experiments found inhibition of such false memories suggesting that is not possible to forget a false memory. Even in experiment 2 there was a trend to the appearance of a postsuppression rebound that would indicat…

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El futur de la formació en tecnologies


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