Gregorio Tirado
The multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem with LIFO constraints
Abstract This paper approaches a pickup and delivery problem with multiple vehicles in which LIFO conditions are imposed when performing loading and unloading operations and the route durations cannot exceed a given limit. We propose two mixed integer formulations of this problem and a heuristic procedure that uses tabu search in a multi-start framework. The first formulation is a compact one, that is, the number of variables and constraints is polynomial in the number of requests, while the second one contains an exponential number of constraints and is used as the basis of a branch-and-cut algorithm. The performances of the proposed solution methods are evaluated through an extensive comp…
The probabilistic pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem
Abstract Transportation problems are essential in commercial logistics and have been widely studied in the literature during the last decades. Many of them consist in designing routes for vehicles to move commodities between locations. This article approaches a pickup-and-delivery single-vehicle routing problem where there is susceptibility to uncertainty in customer requests. The probability distributions of the requests are assumed to be known, and the objective is to design an a priori route with minimum expected length. The problem has already been approached in the literature, but through a heuristic method. This article proposes the first exact approach to the problem. Two mathematica…