Jorge I. Nunez
Extracting science from Mössbauer spectroscopy on Mars
[1] Deployment by the Mars Exploration Rovers of backscatter Mossbauer spectrometers offers an incredible opportunity to (1) elucidate the iron mineralogies of rocks, soils, and atmospheric dust and (2) gain insight into the physical event by which the mineralogy came into existence and consequently acquire information having potential for yielding ancient planetary history relevant to broad issues including the question of life. Determining the mineralogy is done by subjecting raw data to reduction algorithms and generating products known as Mossbauer parameters, which are highly characteristic. Mixed mineralogies are treated through deconvolution. Through being able to exploit Mossbauer m…
Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as an Analog Site for Future Planetary Resource Exploration: Results from the 2010 ILSO-ISRU Field-Testing Campaign
Within the framework of the International Lunar Surface Operation - In-Situ Resource Utilization Analogue Test held on January 27 - February 11, 2010 on the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii, a number of scientific instrument teams collaborated to characterize the field site and test instrument capabilities outside laboratory environments. In this paper, we provide a geological setting for this new field-test site, a description of the instruments that were tested during the 2010 ILSO-ISRU field campaign, and a short discussion for each instrument about the validity and use of the results obtained during the test. These results will form a catalogue that may serve as reference for future test cam…