Lo Casto Antonio

Role of MRI in the Assessment of Cervical Cancer

: Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, and it is divided into 2 main histological types: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Extension of disease as well as the presence of metastases define the prognosis of patients. Accurate tumor staging at diagnosis is essential for adequate planning for treatment. There are several classifications of cervical cancer, and the most used are FIGO and TNM, which help classify the patient and guide the treatment. Imaging has a pivotal role in classifying patients, and MRI plays a decision-maker role both for diagnosis and for treatment planning. In this paper we highlight the role of MRI, alongside guidelines classification, in…

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Si definisce osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari associata a bisfo- sfonati e/o altri farmaci una “reazione avversa farmaco-correlata, caratterizzata dalla progressiva distruzione e necrosi dell’osso mandibolare e/o mascellare di soggetti esposti al trattamento con farmaci per cui sia accertato un aumentato rischio di malat- tia, in assenza di un pregresso trattamento radiante”. In Tabella. 1.1 sono riportati i relativi criteri di inclusione, di esclusione e di dubbio.

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In vitro quantitation of the effects of magnetic fields and radiofrequencies on amino acid metabolism

The extensive use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in medical diagnosis needs experimental confirmation of the real biological harmlessness of magnetic fields and radiofrequencies in the imaging process. To date, no unquestionable conclusions have been drawn and experimental results differ in various literature reports. We investigated the effects of radiofrequencies and magnetic fields on the amino acid content of plasma samples from 10 healthy volunteers aged 25 to 30 years; the samples were exposed for 60 minutes to MR fields at 0.5 T with the sequences commonly used in clinical practice. After exposure to magnetic fields, the samples were analyzed with chromatography and the results compar…

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