Agnese Ruskule

Interobserver variation in assessment of gastric premalignant lesions: higher agreement for intestinal metaplasia than for atrophy.

Background Either atrophy or intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosa are considered premalignant lesions. The new operative link for gastritis assessment staging system is based on the detection of atrophy, and the operative link for assessment of intestinal metaplasia staging system is based on the detection of intestinal metaplasia. Good interobserver agreement is necessary for identification of any premalignant condition. Aims The aim of this study was to compare the agreement between findings of gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia by expert and general pathologists and to analyze the possible reasons behind any possible disagreement. Methods Patients with dyspeptic symptoms, a…

research product

Tumor-associated autoantibody signature for the early detection of gastric cancer

Autoantibodies against tumor-associated antigens are very attractive biomarkers for the development of noninvasive serological tests for the early detection of cancer because of their specificity and stability in the sera. In our study, we applied T7 phage display-based serological analysis of recombinant cDNA expression libraries technique to identify a representative set of antigens eliciting humoral responses in patients with gastric cancer (GC), produced phage-antigen microarrays and exploited them for the survey of autoantibody repertoire in patients with GC and inflammatory diseases. We developed procedures for data normalization and cutoff determination to define sero-positive signal…

research product

Biomarķieru metode kuņģa gļotādas atrofijas noteikšanai

Promocijas darba „Biomarķieru metode kuņģa gļotādas atrofijas noteikšanai” anotācija latviešu valodā Pētījumā tika veikta kuņģa biomarķieru metodes validācija, salīdzinot metodes rezultātus ar standartizēti veiktiem morfoloģijas izmeklējumu rezultātiem. Iegūtie dati parāda labu korelāciju starp PGI/II attiecību un kuņģa korpusa daļas atrofiju (p<0.0001) ar jutību (83.3%), kopējo precizitāti (86.7%). Biomarķieru samazinājums PGI un PGI/II tika noteikts atbilstoši paaugstinoties OLGA gastrīta stadijām. Mazāk pieņemama bija samazinātās sG-17 vērtības uzrādīja labu korelāciju ar kuņģa vārtnieka daļas atrofiju (p=0.007), neskatoties uz jutību, kas bija ievērojami zema (36.8%). Samazinātām G-17 u…

research product