Efficiency of Target Larvicides Is Conditioned by ABC-Mediated Transport in the Zoonotic Nematode Anisakis pegreffii
Anisakiasis is among the most significant emerging foodborne parasitoses contracted through consumption of thermally unprocessed seafood harboring infective Anisakis species larvae. The efficacy of the currently applied anthelminthic therapy in humans and in model organisms has not proven sufficient, so alternative solutions employing natural compounds combined with chemical inhibitors should be explored. By testing toxicity of the natural monoterpenes nerolidol and farnesol and the conventional anthelminthics abamectin and levamisole in the presence/absence of MK-571 and Valspodar, which inhibit the ABC transporter proteins multidrug resistance protein (MRP-like) and P-glycoprotein (P-gp),…