Transitions from school to sheltered employment in Norway – Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities
Generation of Design Principles as Knowledge Conversion - Elucidating Dynamics
In this paper we apply the perspective of knowledge conversion with recent identified core elements for developing design principles to elucidate the dynamics of design principles. In the paper, the elements of influence, actors, and formulation are integrated in a knowledge conversion process of socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization – through which tacit knowledge is made explicit, shared, and turned into action. We exemplify this process with three empirical cases using action design research (ADR) to develop IT artifacts and generate design principles. Our paper shows the dynamics across a process of generating design principles. Viewing the generation of desig…
Enactive methods towards situational learning - engaging people with intellectual and developmental disability in design
In this paper we explore how enactive methods may support and enhance the design of mobile solutions for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our project deals with supporting independent public transport and applies enactive methods in order to account for the interdependent nature of technology, disability, and environment. We staged three iterations of a bus workshop and one theatre workshop where real, everyday scenarios were acted out to gain tacit yet crucial insights. These enactive workshops and the prototype testing showed that transport activities are context dependent and unique to each individual. In our case, enactive methods revealed that independent public…
Designing Transport Supporting Services Together with Users with Intellectual Disabilities
Transportation is an important yet challenging aspect in terms of mobility for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). Despite positive implications of designing services with users, persons with ID are rarely given the opportunity to be involved in such design processes. In this action design research (ADR) study we involve persons with ID in the design through observations, photovoice interviews and in a staged, yet naturalistic user enactments on a bus. Our research contributes with design insights on transport supporting services and insights on user involvement of persons with ID in ADR. The three ADR cycles showed that people with ID is a heterogenous group of users and as such e…
Photovoice—Towards Engaging and Empowering People with Intellectual Disabilities in Innovation
E-health and welfare technology offer new ways to support health and social care delivery. While initiatives are made to engage disadvantaged user groups in innovation, people with intellectual disabilities tend to be excluded from design activities. This is a concern as this group can benefit from the use of assistive technology. However, it can be time-consuming and challenging to involve end-users in the design of technology. This calls for processes that are creative, empowering and that facilitate user involvement. In this study, we report and reflect on the process of using photovoice to understand user needs and to empower participants with intellectual disability in an innovation pr…
Knowledge Creation - A Perspective on the Development of Design Principles
In this paper we reflect on and conceptualize on the development of design principles in a design process. We use the concept of ba to describe how design principles can be created when involving users, domain experts, designers and researchers in the design process. The study applies action design research (ADR) to design and develop a self-reflective career support tool for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). We have applied processes of knowledge creation and their corresponding ba, the originating ba, the interacting ba, the systemizing ba and the exercising ba to conceptualize the development of design principles. Preliminary findings imply that a structured process of knowled…
Me, Myself and I - Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Towards Self-determination
The transition into work is challenging for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) and there are few digital services that support this process. The transition involves several organizations and professionals that need to collaborate and coordinate their documentation and their initiatives. This prototype paper describes a self-reflective career tool designed to support young adults with ID towards self-determination and transitions into work. The users are supported through features such as mapping of interests, skills and abilities, goal setting and progress overview. The prototype of the self-reflective career tool has been evaluated formatively and is continuously redesigned and fur…
‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities
User involvement in technology design processes can have positive implications for the designed service, but less is known about how such participation affects people with intellectual disabilities. We explored how 13 individuals with intellectual disabilities experienced participation in the design of a transport support application. The study is based on qualitative interviews, photovoice interviews, participant observations, and Smileyometer ratings. A thematic analysis generated the following themes: a sense of pride and ownership, an experience of socialization, and a sense of empowerment. The findings suggest that participation in design activities is a primarily positive experience t…
Trends in Patient Generated Data – An Initial Review
In recent years, patient-centered care has gained significant momentum in healthcare and the patient is more involved as an active participant in data generation. In this state of the art review we ...