Gustavo C. Branco
Minimal Flavour Violation and Multi-Higgs Models
We propose an extension of the hypothesis of Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) to general multi-Higgs models without the assumption of Natural Flavour Conservation (NFC) in the Higgs sector. We study in detail under what conditions the neutral Higgs couplings are only functions of V-CKM and propose a MFV expansion for the neutral Higgs couplings to fermions
Singlet Heavy Fermions as the Origin of B Anomalies in Flavour Changing Neutral Currents
We show that a simple extension of the Standard Model involving the introduction of vector-like quarks and heavy neutrinos, provides an explanation of the so called B-anomalies in $b\to s\ell\bar\ell$ transitions. Vector-like quarks can explain, in the context of a discrete flavour symmetry, all the relevant characteristics of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa sector. It is in this framework that we study the requirements on the masses of the vector like quarks and the heavy neutrinos leading to viable models with sufficient deviations of lepton flavour universality and which simultaneously avoid too large Flavour Changing Neutral Current effects. Related predictions on $b\to d\ell\bar\ell$ and…
Unitarity Triangles and the Search for New Physics
Assuming that the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism gives the dominant contribution to CP violation at low energies, we propose a novel way of testing the flavour sector of the Standard Model which has the potencial for discovering New Physics. Using 3 x 3 unitarity of the V_{CKM} matrix and choosing a complete set of rephasing invariant phases, we derive a set of exact relations in terms of measurable quantities, namely moduli of V_{CKM} and arguments of rephasing invariant quartets. These tests complement the usual analysis in the \rho, \eta plane and, if there is New Physics, may reveal its source.
Natural quasi-alignment with two Higgs doublets and RGE stability
In the context of two Higgs doublet models, we study the conditions required in order to have stable quasi-alignment in flavour space. We show that stability under the RGE imposes strong constraints on the flavour structure of the Yukawa couplings associated to each one of the Higgs doublets. In particular, we find a novel solution, where all Yukawa couplings are proportional to the so-called democratic matrix. This solution is rather unique, since it is the only stable solution which is a good starting point for reproducing the observed pattern of quark masses and mixing. We also show that this stable solution can be obtained by imposing on the Lagrangian a $Z_3 \times Z^\prime_3$ flavour …
Two-Higgs leptonic minimal flavour violation
We construct extensions of the Standard Model with two Higgs doublets, where there are flavour changing neutral currents both in the quark and leptonic sectors, with their strength fixed by the fermion mixing matrices $V_{CKM}$ and $V_{PMNS}$. These models are an extension to the leptonic sector of the class of models previously considered by Branco, Grimus and Lavoura, for the quark sector. We consider both the cases of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos and identify the minimal discrete symmetry required in order to implement the models in a natural way.
New Physics and Evidence for a Complex CKM
We carefully analyse the present experimental evidence for a complex CKM matrix, even allowing for New Physics contributions to $\epsilon_{K}$, $a_{J/\Psi K_S}$, $\Delta M_{B_{d}}$, $\Delta M_{B_{s}}$, and the $\Delta I=1/2$ piece of $B\to\rho\rho$ and $B\to\rho\pi$. We emphasize the crucial r\^ ole played by the angle $\gamma$ in both providing irrefutable evidence for a complex CKM matrix and placing constraints on the size of NP contributions. It is shown that even if one allows for New Physics a real CKM matrix is excluded at a 99.92% C.L., and the probability for the phase $\gamma$ to be in the interval $[-170^\circ;-10^\circ]\cup [10^\circ;170^\circ]$ is 99.7%.
What if the masses of the first two quark families are not generated by the standard model Higgs boson?
We point out that, in the context of the SM, $|V^2_{13}| + | V^2_{23}|$ is expected to be large, of order one. The fact that $|V^2_{13}| + |V^2_{23}| \approx 1.6 \times 10^{-3}$ motivates the introduction of a symmetry S which leads to $V_{CKM} ={1\>\!\!\!\mathrm{I}} $, with only the third generation of quarks acquiring mass. We consider two scenarios for generating the mass of the first two quark generations and full quark mixing. One consists of the introduction of a second Higgs doublet which is neutral under S. The second scenario consists of assuming New Physics at a high energy scale , contributing to the masses of light quark generations, in an effective field theory approach. This l…
The size of and physics beyond the Standard Model
Abstract We analyse the allowed range of values of χ , both in the Standard Model and in models with new physics, pointing out that a relatively large value of χ , e.g., of order λ , is only possible in models where the unitarity of the 3 × 3 Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix is violated through the introduction of extra Q = 2 / 3 quarks. We study the interesting case where the extra quark is an isosinglet, determining the allowed range for χ and the effect of a large χ on various low-energy observables, such as CP asymmetries in B meson decays. We also discuss the correlated effects which would be observable at high energy colliders, like decays t → c Z , modifications of the cross section …
How sensitive to FCNC can $B^0$ CP asymmetries be?
We show that the study of CP asymmetries in neutral B-meson decays provides a very sensitive probe of flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC). We introduce two new angles, $\alpha_{SM}$ and $\beta_{SM}$, whose main feature is that they can be readily obtained from the measurement of the CP asymmetries $a_{J/\psi K_s}$, $a_{\pi^+ \pi^-}$ and the ratio $R_u \equiv|V_{ud}V_{ub}^*|/|V_{cd}V_{cb}^*|$, providing a quantitative test of the presence of new physics in a model-independent way. Assuming that new physics is due to the presence of an isosinglet down-type quark, we indicate how to reconstruct the unitarity quadrangles and point out that the measurements of the above asymmetries, within …
Invariants and flavour in the general Two Higgs Doublet Model
The flavour structure of the general Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) is analysed and a detailed study of the parameter space is presented, showing that flavour mixing in the 2HDM can be parametrized by various unitary matrices which arise from the misalignment in flavour space between pairs of various Hermitian flavour matrices which can be constructed within the model. This is entirely analogous to the generation of the CKM matrix in the Standard Model (SM). We construct weak basis invariants which can give insight into the physical implications of any flavour model, written in an arbitrary weak basis (WB) in the context of 2HDM. We apply this technique to two special cases, models with MFV…
Vacuum Induced CP Violation Generating a Complex CKM Matrix with Controlled Scalar FCNC
We propose a viable minimal model with spontaneous CP violation in the framework of a two Higgs doublet model. The model is based on a generalised Branco–Grimus–Lavoura model with a flavoured Z2 symmetry, under which two of the quark families are even and the third one is odd. The lagrangian respects CP invariance, but the vacuum has a CP violating phase, which is able to generate a complex CKM matrix, with the rephasing invariant strength of CP violation compatible with experiment. The question of scalar mediated flavour changing neutral couplings is carefully studied. In particular we point out a deep connection between the generation of a complex CKM matrix from a vacuum phase and the ap…
Vector-like quarks and New Physics in the flavour sector
We present a detailed analysis of recent flavour data in the framework of a simple extension of the Standard Model, where a Q = 2/3 vector-like isosinglet quark is added to the spectrum. Constraints from all the relevant quark flavour sectors are used. Important deviations from Standard Model expectations in different observables such as the semileptonic asymmetry in Bd decays, AdSL, the time-dependent CP asymmetry in Bs ? J/??, and rare decays such as K+ ? ?+? can be obtained.
Neutrino Masses and Lepton Flavour Violation in Thick Brane Scenarios
We address the issue of lepton flavour violation and neutrino masses in the ``fat-brane'' paradigm, where flavour changing processes are suppressed by localising different fermion field wave-functions at different positions (in the extra dimensions) in a thick brane. We study the consequences of suppressing lepton number violating charged lepton decays within this scenario for lepton masses and mixing angles. In particular, we find that charged lepton mass matrices are constrained to be quasi-diagonal. We further consider whether the same paradigm can be used to naturally explain small Dirac neutrino masses by considering the existence of three right-handed neutrinos in the brane, and discu…
The Hunt for New Physics in the Flavour Sector with up vector-like quarks
We analyse the possible presence of New Physics (NP) in the Flavour Sector and evaluate its potential for solving the tension between the experimental values of $\AJPKs$ and $\BTNu$ with respect to the Standard Model (SM) expectations. Updated model independent analyses, where NP contributions are allowed in Bd - anti-Bd and Bs - anti-Bs transitions, suggest the need of New Physics in the $bd$ sector. A detailed analysis of recent Flavour data is then presented in the framework of a simple extension of the SM, where a $Q=2/3$ vector-like isosinglet quark is added to the spectrum of the SM. Special emphasis is given to the implications of this model for correlations among various measurable …