Alberto M. Ruiz

Probing the spin dimensionality in single-layer CrSBr van der Waals heterostructures by magneto-transport measurements

Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials offer unprecedented opportunities for fundamental physics and applied research in spintronics and magnonics. Beyond the pioneering studies on 2D CrI3 and Cr2Ge2Te6, this emerging field has expanded to 2D antiferromagnets exhibiting different spin anisotropies and textures. Of particular interest is the layered metamagnet CrSBr, a relatively air-stable semiconductor formed by antiferromagnetically-coupled ferromagnetic layers (Tc~150 K) that can be exfoliated down to the single-layer. It presents a complex magnetic behavior with a dynamic magnetic crossover leading to a low-temperature hidden order below T*~40 K. Here, we inspect the magneto-transport …

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Magnetic order in 2D antiferromagnets revealed by spontaneous anisotropic magnetostriction

The temperature dependent order parameter provides important information on the nature of magnetism. Using traditional methods to study this parameter in two-dimensional (2D) magnets remains difficult, however, particularly for insulating antiferromagnetic (AF) compounds. Here, we show that its temperature dependence in AF MPS$_{3}$ (M(II) = Fe, Co, Ni) can be probed via the anisotropy in the resonance frequency of rectangular membranes, mediated by a combination of anisotropic magnetostriction and spontaneous staggered magnetization. Density functional calculations followed by a derived orbital-resolved magnetic exchange analysis confirm and unravel the microscopic origin of this magnetiza…

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