Outi Jolanki

People with memory illnesses and their spouses as actors in the hybrid care model

Objective: The study analysed how its participants positioned themselves and other people as actors in daily life, and what matters they portrayed as meaningful in seeking and receiving support in daily life. Background: Family care has traditionally played an important role in elder care in Finland. Current policy goals will further increase the importance of family care, yet research on how people with memory illnesses and their spouses perceive care arrangements is scarce. Method: The study drew from theory of relational agency and positioning theory. The data came from semi-structured, in-depth interviews (10) of home-dwelling people diagnosed with a memory illness and their spouses. Th…

research product

Whose business is it anyway? Distributing responsibilities between family members and formal carers

This study reports on a discourse analysis of how responsibilities for the care of older people are defined and distributed in the interview talk of working caregivers in Finland. The analysis focuses on how the interviewees depict their encounters with professionals (e.g. social and health care workers) and the responsibilities attached to the position of a family member versus professional. The theme is examined against the backdrop of broader Finnish and European discussions about the development of welfare society, the relations between the state and individual citizens as well as discussions about older people’s care needs. Data were obtained by face-to-face interviews. In the intervie…

research product

Family's role in long‐term care : A qualitative study of Finnish family members' experiences on supporting the functional ability of an older relative

Family members are important providers of care for older people. In residential long-term care, however, their role is not always simple and straightforward: responsibility for care provision rests officially with staff members, but in practice family members often contribute to providing care. The main reason for admission to long-term care is functional decline. At the same time, the maintenance of functional ability is a central goal in long-term care. It is therefore reasonable to assume that functional ability is also an important factor in the relationship between family members and long-term care residents. This study aims to explore how family members experience their role in suppor…

research product

Understanding functional ability: Perspectives of nurses and older people living in long-term care

The functional ability of older people has come to play a significant role in their care. Policies and public debate promote active aging and the need to maintain functioning in old age, including among older people living in long-term care. This study explores the meanings given to functional ability in the interview talk of long-term care nurses (n=24) and older people living in long-term care (n=16). The study is based on discourse analysis and positioning theory. In this study, accounts of functioning differed between nurses and older residents. For the nurses, functional ability was about the basic functions of everyday life, and they often used formal and theoretical language, whereas…

research product

Muistisairauden aiheuttamat käyttäytymisen muutokset ja parisuhteen vastavuoroisuus

Muistisairauksiin usein liittyvät kognitiiviset ja persoonallisuuden muutokset sekä itseilmaisun vaikeudet saattavat ilmetä käyttäytymisen muutoksina. Puoliso ja muut läheiset kohtaavat nämä muutokset ensimmäisinä. Laadullisessa tutkimuksessamme selvitimme, millaisissa tilanteissa muistisairauden aiheuttamia ongelmallisina ja kielteisinä koettuja käyttäytymisen muutoksia ilmaantuu, ja miten ne vaikuttavat parisuhteen vastavuoroisuuteen. Käyttäytymisen muutoksista käytetään termiä ’käytösoireet’. Aineiston analyysissä hyödynsimme sosiaalisen vaihdon teoriaa. Käyttäytymisen muutokset tulivat puheeksi vain niissä haastatteluissa, joissa muistisairautta sairastava puoliso oli aviomies. Vaikka p…

research product

The Meaning of a “Sense of Community” in a Finnish Senior Co-Housing Community

In the foreseeable future, alternative housing options will be needed to meet the needs of and answer to the wishes of older people. Co-housing schemes are developed to fulfill the need for a housing type that provides mutual support and social contacts while alleviating the isolation and loneliness often experienced in ordinary neighborhoods. This study on a senior co-housing community in Finland asked what a “sense of community” meant to the residents and how a sense of community becomes visible in daily life. For these residents, a sense of community meant not only living with like-minded people but also communal activities, doing things together, learning from each other, and having rec…

research product

Asumisen yhteisöllisyys ja hyvä vanhuus

research product

To work or to care? Working women's decision-making

Recent changes in older people's public care services in Nordic countries in particular in Finland and Sweden are based on implicit expectations that family members will increase their involvement in care. In Nordic countries, the care of small children has been acknowledged to be a social matter that concerns gender equality and the work life participation of both men and women, while the situation of working carers of older people is much less acknowledged. This study addressed the question of how Finnish working women who give care to their older parents argue for and against their decisions of working and caring and the meaning of work and care in these decisions. Majority of the interv…

research product

Muistisairautta sairastavan ikääntyvän puolison toimijuus parisuhteessa

Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa selvitimme, miten muistisairautta sairastava ikääntyvä puoliso ja hänen puoliso-omaishoitajansa kuvaavat muistisairaan puolison toimijuutta parisuhteessa. Analysoimme aineiston sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Muodostimme aineistosta neljä pääteemaa. Puoliso-omaishoitajat kuvasivat muistisairaan toimijuutta eri tavalla kuin sairastavat itse.  Puoliso-omaishoitaja kuvasi muistisairaan puolison toimijuutta touhuamisena, mutta sairastavalla käyttäytymisen taustalla oli huoli kotitöistä. Kun muistisairas puoliso havaitsi, ettei kykene tekemään jotakin, mielenkiinto asiaa kohtaan väheni. Puoliso-omaishoitaja näki tilanteessa aloitekyvyttömyyttä. Parisuhteen yhteisissä…

research product

Through Thick and Thin : The Meaning of Dementia for the Intimacy of Ageing Couples

As the population ages, the number of people with dementia increases. An emerging body of research is focusing on living with dementia and understanding the experience of caring and the care burden. There is much less research on the meaning of dementia from the perspective of an older couple’s spousal relationship and related intimacy. This qualitative study explores the meanings of emotional and physical intimacy and the changes brought by dementia in the couplehood of persons with dementia and their spousal carers. The data comprise semi-structured interviews with 35 persons. The interviews were analysed using inductive qualitative content analysis. Four themes describing the meanings of…

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Sosiaaligerontologia ja vanhuspolitiikan suuntaviivoja ennen ja nyt

research product

Experiences of people with memory disorders and their spouse carers on influencing formal care: “They ask my wife questions that they should ask me”

Background People with memory disorders often need care and help from family carers and health and social care providers. Due to the deterioration of cognitive capacity and language skills, they may be unable to convey their thoughts and care preferences to other people. As a result, their agency may become restricted. We investigated the descriptions provided by people with memory disorders and spousal carers of their influence on care in encounters with formal care providers. Methods Qualitative thematic analysis was used to identify, analyze, and report themes that describe encounters with professionals in different social or healthcare environments. In-depth interview data were gathered…

research product

Aging well in the community: Understanding the complexities of older people's dial-a-ride bus journeys

Older peoples' independent living in their own homes and their ability to move around and maintain social relations in their communities have been acknowledged as important aims to support their well-being. In this article, we study Special Transport Services as a means to support older persons with ‘aging in place’ – that is, within their communities. From “go-alongs” (shared dial-a-ride bus journeys) and “sit-down interviews” (at participant's home or a café) with 12 older people living in a Finnish suburb, we explored their everyday dial-a-ride bus trips to the local mall. We used actor-network theory and the concept of motility to show how at first glance what appeared to be simple dial…

research product

Uutta tutkimustietoa iäkkäiden sosiaalisesta hyvinvoinnista – SoWell-tutkimushankkeen laaja kyselyaineisto on valmistunut

publishedVersion Non peer reviewed

research product

Mikä muuttui vai muuttuiko mikään? Yli 65-vuotiaiden arki korona-aikana

Koronapandemian leviämisen estämiseksi asetetut rajoitukset ovat kohdistuneet erityisesti ikäihmisiin, joille tauti on vaarallisin. Miten korona-aika rajoituksineen on näkynyt ikääntyneiden elämässä ja hyvinvoinnissa? Tutkimuksemme aineistona on 31 kesällä 2020 tehtyä puhelinhaastattelua. Korona-aika rajoituksineen oli vaikuttanut haastateltujen arkeen ja hyvinvointiin eri tavoin. Suuri osa koki arkensa muuttuneen vain vähän tai ei ollenkaan, osa taas koki hyvinvointinsa huonontuneen merkittävästi. Jotkut kokivat arkensa jopa parantuneen. Niillä, joilla arki ei ollut juuri muuttunut, elämä oli saattanut olla jo ennestään rajoittunutta huonon toimintakyvyn ja vähäisten sosiaalisten kontaktie…

research product

Standardised functional assessment in long-term care for older people: perspective of Finnish care workers

Objective measures and documentation are increasingly used in the care for older people to promote efficiency and productivity. A standardised assessment of functional capacity is one such measure. In this study, we examined the meanings given to standardised functional assessment by care workers who provide long-term care for older people. Gathered from eight Finnish long-term care facilities, the data consisted of one-on-one interviews with practical and registered nurses (n = 24). In the data analysis, we employed the discursive approach. We identified three discourses in the care workers’ talks that differed in the meaning given to standardised functional assessment in the process of ca…

research product

Mikä muuttui 20 vuoden aikana? : Pohdintaa ikääntyvän puoliso-omaishoitajan asemasta ja kotiin saatavasta tuesta

publishedVersion Non peer reviewed

research product

The Janus face of social innovation in local welfare initiatives

research product

Elderly Parents’ Need for Help and Adult Children's Moving Decisions

Recent changes in Finnish welfare policies have increased the need for family involvement in eldercare. This article uses qualitative interviews to study working adult daughters’ reasons for moving in with their parent(s). Coresidence was linked to the parents’ need for support, but also to the daughters’ life situations, family histories, the availability of welfare services, and cultural norms and values. The interviewees used the “familist” and “independent life” discourses in their speech. The familist discourse was used to argue for coresidence as a natural continuation of family traditions and life history, whereas the independent life discourse was used to legitimize the need for alt…

research product

Kotona asuvien 60 vuotta täyttäneiden ihmisten yksinäisyys koronapandemian aikana

Koronapandemia on vaikuttanut monella tavalla yhteiskuntien ja yksittäisten kansalaisten elämään kaikkialla maailmassa. Pandemian hillitsemiseksi asetetut tapaamis­ ja liikkumisrajoitukset nostivat keskusteluun ikääntyneiden ihmisten yksinäisyyden. Tässä kuvailevassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan 60 vuotta täyttäneiden kotona asuvien ihmisten yksinäisyyttä koronapandemian aikana. Aineiston muodostavat 22 kansainvälistä artikkelia, jotka valikoituivat järjestelmällisen kirjallisuushaun avulla neljästä tietokannasta. Artikkelien mukaan 60 vuotta täyttäneiden ihmisten yksinäisyys oli pandemia­aikana yleisempää kuin ennen pandemiaa ja lisääntyi erityisesti laajimpien rajoitusten aikana…

research product

Oikeus liikkumiseen?

research product