Risto Sulkava

Soidensuojelutyöryhmän ehdotus soidensuojelun täydentämiseksi

research product

Otter Lutra lutra predation on farmed and free‐living salmonids in boreal freshwater habitats

In this paper we aim to define whether fish farms or stocked trout streams substantially contribute to the diet of otters Lutra lutra living in freshwater habitats of Mid-Finland. Diet was assessed using spraint analysis. We especially focused on areas with fish farms and stocked trout Salmo trutta streams (salmonid-rich habitat) and used ‘normal’ (salmonid-poor) habitats as control. Frequency of salmonid remains in spraints was significantly higher in salmonid-rich habitats than elsewhere in all seasons, the difference increasing from summer to winter. In salmonid-rich habitats, however, salmonid consumption was not strongly seasonal. Data from spraint collection indicated a shift in activ…

research product

Are habitat loss, predation risk and climate related to the drastic decline in a Siberian flying squirrel population? A 15 year study

To devise effective conservation actions, it is important to know which factors are associated with the population parameters of a declining population. Using mark–recapture methods, we estimated the annual population size, growth rate and survival probability of an ear-tagged flying squirrel population over a 15-year period in a 4,500 ha study area in western Finland. The species is considered vulnerable, but detailed knowledge concerning population sizes or trends is lacking. The population parameters and changes therein were regressed against habitat availability, an indicator of predation pressure, and mean winter temperature (an indicator of climate change), to reveal potential reasons…

research product

Relationships between economic profitability and habitat quality of Siberian jay in uneven-aged Norway spruce forest

Abstract In the southern and central parts of Finland, Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) lives in large non-fragmented spruce-dominated forests. Due to the reduction of such forests, Siberian jay has disappeared from the southern parts of Finland. This study analyzed continuous-cover uneven-aged forest management as a way to maintain Siberian jay habitats simultaneously with timber production. Continuous cover management is able to provide the necessary spatial and temporal continuity of forest features important to the viability of Siberian jay populations. The study analyzed the relationship between habitat quality of Siberian jay and profitability of uneven-aged management of Norway sp…

research product

Difficulty of getting accurate and precise estimates of population size: The case of the Siberian flying squirrel in Finland

Accurate estimates of population size and distribution are a prerequisite for effective management of populations, but for most species a reliable estimation of the absolute population size is very difficult. In 1998, the Finnish Ministry of Environment set up a working group to plan a national-level survey for estimation and monitoring of the population size of Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans). In 2006, the population size was reported to be 143 000 females. However, evaluation of the magnitude of possible biases was not attempted. Our aim was to test the population size estimate by conducting a resampling study with the methods of the national survey on an eartagged population o…

research product

Elinympäristöjen tilan edistäminen Suomessa : ELITE-työryhmän mietintö elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen priorisointisuunnitelmaksi ja arvio suunnitelman kokonaiskustannuksista

Kestävä luonnonvarojen käyttö on perusta sekä ihmisen että luonnon hyvinvoinnille. Tähän mietintöön on koottu Elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen (ELITE) työryhmän työn tulokset. Työ edistää osaltaan luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyyttä antamalla suuntaviivoja luonnon monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen Suomen metsissä, soilla, perinnebiotoopeilla, maatalousalueilla, kallioilla, tuntureilla sekä rannikolla. Osin tarkastelussa mukana olivat myös kaupunkiympäristöt ja sisävedet. Varsinaisen tarkastelun ulkopuolelle jätettiin rannikkovesien ulkopuoliset meret. Elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen toimenpiteet voivat käsittää suojelua, luonnonhoitoa tai perinteisellä tavalla ymmärrettyä ennallistamista. To…

research product