Nina Kivinen
Towards an Economy of Encounters? : A critical study of affectual assemblages in coworking
Abstract Coworking spaces have been established in great numbers around the globe over the past 10 years. Previous studies on coworking spaces argue that these spaces are designed to enable serendipitous encounters. Here we introduce the concept of an economy of encounters, arguing that both intended and unintended encounters have become a form of production in the knowledge-based new economy. This paper draws upon the critical analysis of three case studies of different coworking settings − two open coworking spaces and a corporate coworking office. Following Deleuze and Guattari, we see coworking spaces as affectual assemblages that create affects that push knowledge workers in flow and m…
”Hei mä lainaisin sellaisen iPadin” – kirjaston ratkaisu e-kirjojen käytön lisäämiseksi
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"Mahdatko olla niin outo ja olenko minäkään?" : identiteetin ongelma Kauko Röyhkän rocklyriikassa
eEducation – kirjasto mukana kehittämässä opetusta
Jyväskylän kirjastot jalkautuivat lukioihin
SEEK! Tiedonhakupeli
Finnish adaptation of SEEK! The search skills game. Includes press-ready files and Adobe Illustrator & Indesign templates. Original game developed by Andrew Walsh & Tanya Williamson, University of Huddersfield.