Isidora Barbaccia

Disparità territoriali nella misura del benessere economico. Un’applicazione dell’ESDA ai Sistemi Locali del Lavoro italiani.

In this paper we want to provide a contribution to the analysis of territorial disparities considering Italian Local Labour Systems as basic geographic units. Local Labour Systems (LLS) represent the result of the spatial aggregation of neighbouring municipalities based on the daily commuting flows of local population owing to work reasons. Thus LLS can be described as self-contained economic-territorial spaces, constituted by two or more municipalities, which provide a basis to sub-provincial analysis, being a useful tool for the implementation of local development policies without relations with administrative zones. Having recourse to value added per capita at this particular disaggregat…

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Measurement of Agglomeration and Spatial Effects

The aim of the paper is to examine the influence of spatial agglomeration on the employment growth in the sicilian local labor systems. In this paper we want provide a methodological contribution to agglomeration literature. On the base of the hypothesis that the forces of agglomeration do not use up their effects inside of a single SLL but they extend to more wide geographic areas, and their effect fall down on the adjacent territorial partition; we have modified the traditional agglomeration index built by Maurell and Sédillot in 1999, at first, inverting the role of the industry with that one of the area, so we obtain a measure of agglomeration for each area, and then we included a spati…

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Dynamic Analysis of sectorial Specialization and Agglomeration Economies in the Sicilian Local Labour Systems

This paper examines the spatial dependence among productive specialization, variety of the economic environment and knowledge spillovers. With the aim of identifying localization benefits in a particular area, some aspects of business settling are compared with trends in the development of economic activities and, particularly, with agglomeration process of the firms. On the basis of the model proposed by Ellison and Glaeser (1997) it is possible identifying an “agglomerate space” that is to say a “continuous set of territorial areas specialized in a specific sector one of which, at least, proves to be provided with a level of specialization noticeably exceeding the expected value under the…

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Measuring agglomeration by spatial effects: a proposal

In this paper we examine the influence of spatial dependence on the estimation of the effect of standard measures of agglomeration on local growth. The hypothesis is that the forces of agglomeration do not use up their effects inside a single local area but extend to wider geographic areas, particularly on the adjacent territories. To account for these spatial effects, we propose a modification of the traditional agglomeration index, suggested by Maurel and Sedillot (1999), including both agglomeration of economic activity within an area and neighbour effects, that is, the effect of agglomeration that comes from neighbouring areas. In the empirical exercise we compute the a-spatial and the …

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Lo scopo del lavoro è quello di studiare i nessi di relazione che in una determinata area si instaurano tra la specializzazione produttiva, la varietà dell’ambiente economico e gli spillover di conoscenza. In modo specifico, in base alla letteratura sugli indici di concentrazione spaziale si è tentato di analizzare le caratteristiche degli “spazi agglomerati” in Sicilia. Nell’intento di individuare la presenza di vantaggi localizzativi nei 77 sistemi locali del lavoro dell’Isola, si pongono a confronto aspetti della localizzazione con quelli dello sviluppo delle attività produttive, ed in particolare con l’aspetto dell’agglomerazione delle imprese. Viene svolta una analisi quantitativa dell…

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Improving the Traditional Measures of Agglomeration with Neighbouring Effects

The traditional measures of concentration are based on the hypothesis that agglomeration forces among plants appear only inside of a single area and they do not have any effect outside of it. Instead, it is reasonable thinking to the existence of factors exerting their effects not only within the territory where they were originated but, in the meantime, producing spillovers into neighbouring areas. Building on this assumption, this paper contributes to the agglomeration literature by proposing an extension of the traditional agglomeration measures that account for externalities that cross the barriers of the geographical units under analysis. So, we want to examine the spatial dependence a…

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Misure di agglomerazione spaziale nei Sistemi Locali del Lavoro siciliani

Spatial agglomeration indicators in the Sicilian Local Labour Systems Objectives - This paper examines the links among productive specialization, variety of the economic environment and knowledge spillovers on the basis of the territorial analyses present in the current literature. With the aim of identifying localization benefits in a particular area, some aspects of business settling are compared with trends in the development of economic activities and, particularly, with agglomeration process of the firms. Methods and Results The empirical analysis will be carried out pointing to the dynamics of employment consequent to the effects of the externalities above mentioned. Employment data a…

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Processi di specializzazione e diffusione nel settore dei servizi. Un’analisi per Sistemi Locali del Lavoro nel periodo 1981-2001

Lo scopo del lavoro è l’analisi della dotazione locale dei servizi, in quanto consente una corretta valutazione del potenziale di sviluppo di un’area. In un’economia basata sulla conoscenza i servizi sono determinanti per la riqualificazione ed il rafforzamento competitivo della struttura produttiva. Il percorso evolutivo dei sistemi locali negli ultimi decenni, è stato accompagnato da una consistente crescita del terziario per il sistema produttivo. Risulta evidente l’esistenza di un sistema di relazioni che si è progressivamente instaurato tra il settore manifatturiero e quelle attività terziarie che risultano più rilevanti per l’organizzazione e la crescita del comparto industriale. La s…

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