F Di Piazza

Presenza di Giardia e Cryptosporidium in reflui civili e in campioni d'acqua superficiale e profonda del territorio palermitano

This paper reports the investigation carried out on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts in water samples of two municipal treatment plants, and in surface water and ground water wells of the province of Palermo. The wastewater samples taken before and after treatment process were assayed over the course of one year Giardia cysts were detected in all samples throught the year at higher concentration levels than Cryptosporidium oocysts, with a peak observed in spring. The overall removal efficiency of (oo)cysts in the treatment plants was about of 90%. Their presence were also searched in surface waters (three artificial lakes and one river); (oo)cysts were detected in one…

research product

Tubal function in divers and non-divers: case control study

Background. The aim of this study was to examine whether recurrent scuba diving during the time and frequent use of Valsalva’s manoeuvre while diving, increase functionality of divers’ Eustachian Tube (ET) comparison with non-divers. Methods. The study included 30 experienced divers (G1), mean age 25,8 years, who were diving from over 10 years. The control group consisted of 30 non-divers (G2), mean age 31,3 years. Each sample underwent clinical examination to identify predisposing conditions to middle ear barotraumas and ET dysfunction. ET function has been investigated by Inflation-Deflation test that shows baseline tympanogram, a second tympanogram shifted of the peak towards positive va…

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Presenza di cisti di Giardia e oocisti di Cryptosporidium in piscine della provincia di Palermo.

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Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and enteric protozoa among homosexual men in western Sicily (south Italy)

Introduction. In recent years an increase in the number of sexu- ally transmitted infections (STIs) in men who have sex with men (MSM) has been reported in different industrialised countries. Because few epidemiological data on the STIs/MSM population in Sicily are available, a survey was conducted to assess the preva- lence of STIs/enteric protozoa and risky sexual behaviours among MSM in western Sicily. Methods. In 2010, 74 MSM with median age of 30 years old, were recruited via networks. All participants to the study were interviewed by anonymous self-administered questionnaire in order to collect social/demographic information, clinic data and STI-related risky sexual behaviours. After …

research product

Presence of Giardia in ready-to-eat vegetable salads on sale in the city of Palermo (Sicily, Southern Italy).

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Sorveglianza Igienico-Sanitaria Di Una Piscina Di Uso Pubblico Della Città Di Palermo (Italia) [Surveillance of the sanitary conditions of a public swimming pool in the city of Palermo (Italy)]

In a previous study we evaluated the microbiological quality of water of seven pools in the city of Palermo through evaluation of bacterial indicators of faecal contamination and of protozoa (Giardia and Cryptosporidium). In this study we also searched for the presence of fungi in two swimming pools of a public swimming facility in the same city. Samples were collected from both pools, their filtration systems and floor surfaces of the facility. Chemical-physical and microbiological examination of water of the two pools have shown that quality of water depends on the concentration of residual free chlorine and on the number of bathers in the pool. The values of four microbiological paramete…

research product

Descrizione di una tecnica per la ricerca di cisti di Giardia e di oocisti di Cryptosporidium in vegetali freschi contaminati sperimentalmente

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