Piazza D
An all-oral combination regimen of vinorelbine and capecitabine for elderly patients with metastatic breast cancer
Caratteristiche fisico-chimiche e vegetazionali negli ambienti iperalini di bassofondo delle saline di Trapani e Paceco: dati preliminari
Factors associated with risky consumption of alcohol in a sample of university students
During the university period, student wellbeing is exposed to the negative effects of many stressful factors, including the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages. The aim of this study is to estimate the risky alcohol consumption within the student population of the University of Palermo.An anonymous online questionnaire was provided to students enrolled in the mailing list of the Regional Agency for the Right to University Study (ERSU) of the University of Palermo. the first section investigated demographic and social data, while in the second section the A.U.D.I.T. C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption) test was administered.539 subjects agreed to the informed consent an…
Active immunization status against measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B in internationally adopted children, surveyed at the university hospital of Palermo, Sicily
Introduction. The internationally adopted child is a fragile subject who often shows an incomplete health documentation, which hinders the complete assessment of health status. Materials and Methods. Between January 2010 and June 2016, at the University Hospital "AOUP P. Giaccone" of Palermo, we reviewed the health documentations of 111 children recently arrived in Italy following the conclusion of the international adoption procedure. 62.2% of the children were male, of various nationalities and with an average age of 7 years (± 3.4). This study aims to detect, in the observed sample, the reliability of the vaccinal documentation and the real acquired immunization. We intend to estimate th…
Caratteristiche fisico-chimiche e vegetazionali negli ambienti iperalini di bassofondo delle Saline di Trapani e Paceco (Sicilia Occidentale): dati preliminari
Reticulocytes can represent an early indicator of erythropoietic response to Darbepoetin alfa in the anemia by chemotherapy
Background: Darbepoetin is a new drug active in anemia from chemotherapy and 2-to 3- times longer serum half life then recombinant-human Epo (rHuEPO). Reticulocytes can constitute an useful parameter to check the medullar reserve and give an indication of the erythropoietic answer. Methods: 42 patients in chemotherapy were randomised in 3 groups: the first two reported severe asthenia and have been deal respective with (I) darbepoetin 2.25μg/kg once weekly or (II) rHuEPO 150 U/Kg three times weekly; the third group (III), used like control, did not report relevant asthenic symptoms. The study evaluated time zero, after 4 and 8 weeks hemoglobin, reticulocyte count,serum ferritin, transferrin…
Intraoperative Adjuvant Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Colon Cancer: A Prospective Parallel Phase II Study.
.Background: Prophylactic hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) showed promising results in patients with colorectal carcinoma at high risk of recurrence but still without clinically and radiologically evident signs of peritoneal spread. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of this proactive, early phase, multimodality approach. Methods: A mono-institutional, prospective, parallel, two-stage phase II trial enrolled 49 patients to standard surgery or surgery plus intraoperative HIPEC. Before the procedure and during surgery, patients received intravenous fluorouracil (and leucovorin to potentiate oxaliplatin activity. Data analysis included length of hospital stay, surgery …