Diane Carron

La Marcousse à Poliénas du XVe au XVIIe siècle : les aspects matériels et économiques d'un domaine noble en Isère

The stronghold of Marcousse still partially in elevation in the municipality of Poliénas (Isère, France) is richly documented by a remarkable archives for this type of rural settlement . The author reports on the major phases of the implementation and of developments in this area by addressing issues both material (buildings and furniture stock) and economic ( field management) under the Old Regime .

research product

Pueblo de santos y peregrinaciones en las diócesis de Autun y de Nevers: del tiempo de los mártires al tiempo de las reformas, IV - XVIII siglos

Between the IVth and the XVIIIth century in Burgundy (Nevers to Vezelay area), the number of pilgrimage churches have increased with an important renewal rate. Indeed, the choice of saints, institutions, or objects of devotion depends on various references. Adapting the framework and updating hagiography to the evolution of piety are means of preservation against disinterest and decreased gains. What is miraculous or not is changing and depends on unstable religious and social settings, therefore it becomes necessary to consider both important and sustainable sites than short-lived ones and vain attempts to develop a pilgrimage site. By resorting as much as possible to the original document…

research product

Cultes éphémères et cultes pérennes. Dynamique, structuration et rayonnement des pèlerinages en Bourgogne du Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne.

Les lieux de pèlerinages connaissent des fortunes diverses : période d’apogée, déclin, reprise ; ils sont parfois relayés, voire concurrencés par des cultes émergents. Pour étudier cette dynamique, nous avons privilégié la longue période qui englobe le Moyen Âge et l’époque moderne, sur un ensemble géographique regroupant les diocèses d’Autun, Langres et Nevers. Un corpus significatif de sites a ainsi été établi : il permet une approche quantitative sans nuire à l’étude de cas. Les principales sources utilisées sont les recueils de miracles, les fonds ecclésiastiques séculiers et réguliers, ainsi que les travaux des prêtres historiens de l’époque moderne. En confrontant ces données, il est …

research product

People buried in St Leger's chapel to Alise-Sainte-Reine ( Burgundy, France): reflections on the discrepancy between the archaeological data and the written sources

As burial registers corresponding to a fully excavated funeral assemblage are rather rare, the present study endeavours toexamine both wrritten data and bone remains from a chape frequented during the 17th and 18th centuries. The disparity between thepopulatiom described by the two types of sources, particularly concerning the proportions of children in each, would encourage us toreconsider wiith caution the evaluation of burial groups based on bone assemblages which are not informed by written sources. Analysisof the latter will allow us to evaluate more accurately just how representative the archaeological evidence is with respect to the overalloccupation of a given site.

research product

Dizy (Marne, France), « Les Rechignons » : un exemple champenois de sépultures dispersées dans et aux abords d’un habitat du haut Moyen Âge

International audience

research product

Questions de sainteté : vicissitudes des reliques dans le diocèse d'Autun au Moyen Âge

The recent purchase of an authentic manuscript from Flavigny abbey referring to the translation of saints bodies gives an opportunity to assess significiance of relics into the cult of saints in the diocese of Autun (Burgundy) during the Middle Ages. Several data source of piety esspecially dedications, religious references in diplomatic acts, and calendars, gives an evidence of the evolution of devotion and even the recession of some cults among several clerics groups. Besides, those informations show the incidence of the cult of regional saints in construction of Autun diocese, wich is one of the larger dioceses in Burgundy.

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