Ralph-hardo Schulz
Divisible designs and groups
We study (s, k, λ1, λ2)-translation divisible designs with λ1≠0 in the singular and semi-regular case. Precisely, we describe singular (s, k, λ1, λ2)-TDD's by quasi-partitions of suitable quotient groups or subgroups of their translation groups. For semi-regular (s, k, λ1, λ2)-TDD's (and, more general, for the case λ2>λ1) we prove that their translation groups are either Frobenius groups or p-groups of exponent p. Some examples are given for the singular, semi-regular and regular case.
�ber Blockpl�ne mit transitiver Dilatationsgruppe
Divisible Designs Admitting, as an Automorphism Group, an Orthogonal Group or a Unitary Group
We construct some divisible designs starting from a projective space. These divisible designs admit an orthogonal group or a unitary group as an automorphism group.