Sponges (Porifera) as living metazoan witnesses from the Neoproterozoic: biomineralization and the concept of their evolutionary success
Terra Nova, 22, 1–11, 2010 Abstract The emergence of the Metazoa can be dated back to the Neoproterozoic Era which comprises the Cryogenian Period during which two major glaciations occurred, the Sturtian and the Varanger-Marinoan. At that time, the phylum Porifera (sponges) evolved as the first animals and developed a hard skeleton. The two classes of siliceous sponges, the Hexactinellida and the Demospongiae, are already provided with the major genetic repertoire and gene regulatory networks that also exist in modern multicellular animals. Besides these metazoan innovations, the siliceous sponges display one autapomorphic character, silicatein, an enzyme which mediates bio-silica formatio…