A. Fuertes Prosper

Carcinoma epidermoide cutáneo: definición de sus características clínico-patológicas y factores de riesgo asociados en un estudio observacional de 118 pacientes

Resumen Introduccion y objetivo En la ultima edicion del manual de la American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) se modifico la estadificacion para el carcinoma epidermoide cutaneo (CEC), introduciendo caracteristicas tumorales de alto riesgo que definen el estadio tumoral (T), con el proposito de identificar aquellos tumores con mayor riesgo de metastasis. Nuestro objetivo fue definir las caracteristicas asociadas al CEC que cumplia criterios de alto riesgo definidos por la AJCC para ser estadio T2. Pacientes y metodo Estudio observacional analitico tipo casos-casos de 18 meses donde se han incluido pacientes con diagnostico de CEC. Se recogieron datos clinicos, antropometricos y tumorales.…

research product

Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinical and Pathological Features and Associated Risk Factors in an Observational Study of 118 Patients

Background and objective: In the latest edition of its cancer staging manual, the American JointCommittee on Cancer (AJCC) revised the criteria for staging squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by introducing high-risk tumor features to define tumor stage (T) and help to identify tumors with a higher risk of metastasis. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics associated with SCC meeting the high-risk criteria defined by the AJCC for T2 lesions. Patients and method: We performed a case-case observational study in which patients with SCC were included over a period of 18 months. We collected clinical, anthropometric, and tumor data, and analyzed these using PASW Statistics (SPSS)…

research product