Nazila Divani Veis
Implementation of theP¯ANDA Planar-GEM tracking detector in Monte Carlo simulations
Abstract The P ¯ ANDA experiment at FAIR will be performed to investigate different aspects of hadron physics using anti-proton beams interacting with a fixed nuclear target. The experimental setup consists of a complex series of detector components covering a large solid angle. A detector with a gaseous active media equipped with gas electron multiplier (GEM) technique will be employed to measure tracks of charged particles at forward direction in order to achieve a high momentum resolution. In this work, a full setup of the GEM tracking detector has been implemented in the P ¯ ANDA Monte Carlo simulation package (PandaRoot) based on the current technical and conceptual design, and the exp…
Performance studies of the P¯ANDA planar GEM-tracking detector in physics simulations
Abstract The P ¯ ANDA experiment will be installed at the future facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany, to study events from the annihilation of protons and antiprotons. The P ¯ ANDA detectors can cover a wide physics program about baryon spectroscopy and nucleon structure as well as the study of hadrons and hypernuclear physics including the study of excited hyperon states. One very specific feature of most hyperon ground states is the long decay length of several centimeters in the forward direction. The central tracking detectors of the P ¯ ANDA setup are not sufficiently optimized for these long decay lengths. Therefore, using a set of the planar GEM-trac…