Heinz Tobien

Brachyodonty and hypsodontyin some Palaeogene Eurasiatic Lagomorphs

Abstract Palaeogene Eurasiatic lagomorphs show more or less different degrees and kinds of brachiodonty and hypsodonty in the cheek teeth. No fully brachyodont lagomorphs are known up to the present. The probably Paleocene Mimolagus from Western Kansu shows the less advanced stage against partial hypsodonty in the upper cheek teeth. Partial hypsodonty is more advanced in the late Eocene Mongolian genera Shamolagus, Gobiolagus and Lushilagus. Roots, however, are still well developed in the cheek teeth. Some recent discoveries from earlier Oligocene sites in France and Germany seem to represent a comparable degree of hypsodonty. The Asiatic Oligocene Desmatolagus is partiallyhypsodont with ro…

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Proboscidea: a preliminary note

Abstract Proboscidean remains collected during the 1983–1989 field seasons are described here. They are assigned to Deinotherium aff. levius (14 isolated teeth) and to Gomphotherium pasalarense (44 isolated teeth). No evidence was found for another subspecies described by Gaziry from Pasalar. The proboscidea are probably indicative of woodland conditions at Pasalar.

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The mammalian geochronology and biogeography of Paşalar (Middle Miocene, Turkey)

Abstract The Pasalar fauna includes 56 mammalian species of European. Asian, African and North American origin. Evidence provided on the stage-of-evolution of the primates Sivapithecus darwini and cf. Kenyapithecus, the rodent Turkomys pasalarensis, insectivores, carnivores, rhinos, suids and ruminants suggests that Pasalar is correlative with the Late Langhian marine stage and European Mammal Neogene Zone 6., circa 15 Ma (million years ago). A review of the Pasalar fauna's biogeographic history suggests that it was aggregated by a succession of pulsed intercontinental geographic extensions tied to global sea-level lowering events during the earlier half of the Miocene.

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Über Carpus und Tarsus vonDeinotherium giganteum Kaup (Mamm., Proboscidea)

Zusammengehorige Teile eines Skelettes vonDeinotherium giganteum Kp., welche im unteren Pliozan (Pontium) am Howenegg (Hegau, SW-Deutschland) ausgegraben worden sind, erlauben Beobachtungen zur Struktur des Hand- und Fusskelettes. Ein Verfahren zur graphischen Darstellung von Gelenkflachen wird geschildert, die Gultigkeit desCuvier’schen Korrelationsprinzips erortert.

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Ein Katalog der tertiären Säuger-Fundorte in der Schweiz

Um publizierte und vor allem unpublizierte Unterlagen uber ca. 600 Fundstellen tertiarer Saugetiere der Schweiz systematisch zu erfassen und zuganglich zu machen, wurde durch Dr.J. Hurzeler, Vorsteher der Osteologischen Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel (Schweiz), ein «Kataster der Fundorte fossiler Saugetiere der Schweiz» angelegt. In mustergultiger Art ist hier eine Dokumentation entstanden, die auch auswartigen Interessenten zur Benutzung zur Verfugung steht. Sie erlaubt rasche Informationen zur Topographie, Geologie, Stratigraphie, Historie, Literatur und Fauna jeder Lokalitat.

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