Enabling Technologies on Hybrid Camera Networks for Behavioral Analysis of Unattended Indoor Environments and Their Surroundings
This paper presents a layered network architecture and the enabling technologies for accomplishing vision-based behavioral analysis of unattended environments. Specifically the vision network covers both the attended environment and its surroundings by means of multi-modal cameras. The layer overlooking at the surroundings is laid outdoor and tracks people, monitoring entrance/exit points. It recovers the geometry of the site under surveillance and communicates people positions to a higher level layer. The layer monitoring the unattended environment undertakes similar goals, with the addition of maintaining a global mosaic of the observed scene for further understanding. Moreover, it merges …
Panel Summary: Behavioural Models
The aim of this paper is to report the panel discussion on behavioural models of human or machine agents interacting with the environment. In particular the following hot points will been analysed: a framework for describing behaviour; learning and evolution; closure and teleonomy when it comes to behaviour; the perception-learning-planning loop; the information integration at the (pre)attentive level; knowing by acting and knowing by computing.