T. Kasokat
The metabolism of phenol and substituted phenols in zebra fish.
1. The metabolism of five phenols in zebra fish was studied after uptake from the medium. The results showed no qualitative differences to other Cyprinid fish species, only the oxidation rate seemed to be lower. 2. Phenyl glucuronide, phenyl sulphate, and quinol sulphate were identified as metabolites of phenol. 3. Identified metabolites of 2-cresol were 2-cresyl glucuronide, 2-cresyl sulphate, and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid in trace amounts. 4. Only the glucuronide and sulphate conjugates were detected as metabolites of 4-nitrophenol, 4-chlorophenol, and pentachlorophenol.
Influence of bacteria on the metabolite pattern of phenol in zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio)
Summary An investigation was performed on the potential influence of bacteria in the medium on the metabolism of phenol in zebra fish. The results obtained in vitro and in vivo show that bacteria may influence biotransformation studies of xenobiotics by fish in different manner. First, it was shown that phenol conjugates were deconjugated. Hydrolysis of phenyl glucuronide was observed both in vitro and in vivo. Deconjugation of phenyl sulphate was found to a minor extent merely under in vitro conditions. Second, the xenobiotic itself, in this case phenol, was degradated to CO2. The proportion did not lead to a significant removal of the test compound of the fish. Zusammenfassung Einflus von…