Alfredo Yegros-yegros
Exploring why global health needs are unmet by research efforts: the potential influences of geography, industry and publication incentives
[Background]: It has been well established that research is not addressing health needs in a balanced way — much more research is conducted on diseases with more burden in high-income countries than on those with more burden in lower-income countries. In this study, we explore whether these imbalances persist and inquire about the possible influence of three factors, namely geography, industry and publication incentives.
Additional file 1 of Exploring why global health needs are unmet by research efforts: the potential influences of geography, industry and publication incentives
Additional file 1. Detailed methodology.
Additional file 3 of Exploring why global health needs are unmet by research efforts: the potential influences of geography, industry and publication incentives
Additional file 3. Correspondence Table ICD-10 – MeSH.
Additional file 2 of Exploring why global health needs are unmet by research efforts: the potential influences of geography, industry and publication incentives
Additional file 2. Data used in figures and tables, including supplementary material.