Sabine Wurmehl
Half-metallic ferromagnetism with high magnetic moment and high Curie temperature in Co$_2$FeSi
Co$_2$FeSi crystallizes in the ordered L2$_1$ structure as proved by X-ray diffraction and M\"o\ss bauer spectroscopy. The magnetic moment of Co$_2$FeSi was measured to be about $6\mu_B$ at 5K. Magnetic circular dichroism spectra excited by soft X-rays (XMCD) were taken to determine the element specific magnetic moments of Co and Fe. The Curie temperature was measured with different methods to be ($1100\pm20$)K. Co$_2$FeSi was found to be the Heusler compound as well as the half-metallic ferromagnet with the highest magnetic moment and Curie temperature.
Slater-Pauling Rule and Curie-Temperature of Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds
A concept is presented serving to guide in the search for new materials with high spin polarization. It is shown that the magnetic moment of half-metallic ferromagnets can be calculated from the generalized Slater-Pauling rule. Further, it was found empirically that the Curie temperature of Co$_2$ based Heusler compounds can be estimated from a seemingly linear dependence on the magnetic moment. As a successful application of these simple rules, it was found that Co$_2$FeSi is, actually, the half-metallic ferromagnet exhibiting the highest magnetic moment and the highest Curie temperature measured for a Heusler compound.
Geometric, electronic, and magnetic structure of Co$_2$FeSi: Curie temperature and magnetic moment measurements and calculations
In this work a simple concept was used for a systematic search for new materials with high spin polarization. It is based on two semi-empirical models. Firstly, the Slater-Pauling rule was used for estimation of the magnetic moment. This model is well supported by electronic structure calculations. The second model was found particularly for Co$_2$ based Heusler compounds when comparing their magnetic properties. It turned out that these compounds exhibit seemingly a linear dependence of the Curie temperature as function of the magnetic moment. Stimulated by these models, Co$_2$FeSi was revisited. The compound was investigated in detail concerning its geometrical and magnetic structure by m…
Impact of local order and stoichiometry on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Heusler compounds
Nowadays, a wealth of information on ultrafast magnetization dynamics of thin ferromagnetic films exists in the literature. Information is, however, scarce on bulk single crystals, which may be especially important for the case of multi-sublattice systems. In Heusler compounds, representing prominent examples for such multi-sublattice systems, off-stoichiometry and degree of order can significantly change the magnetic properties of thin films, while bulk single crystals may be generally produced with a much more well-defined stoichiometry and a higher degree of ordering. A careful characterization of the local structure of thin films versus bulk single crystals combined with ultrafast demag…
Investigation of Co$_2$FeSi: The Heusler compound with Highest Curie Temperature and Magnetic Moment
This work reports on structural and magnetic investigations of the Heusler compound Co$_2$FeSi. X-Ray diffraction and M\"o\ss bauer spectrometry indicate an ordered $L2_1$ structure. Magnetic measurements by means of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and magnetometry revealed that this compound is, currently, the material with the highest magnetic moment ($6 \mu_B$) and Curie-temperature (1100K) in the classes of Heusler compounds as well as half-metallic ferromagnets.
Electronic properties of Co2FeSi investigated by X-ray magnetic linear dichroism
We present experimental XMLD spectra measured on epitaxial (001)-oriented thin Co$_{2}$FeSi films, which are rich in features and depend sensitively on the degree of atomic order and interdiffusion from capping layers. Al- and Cr-capped films with different degrees of atomic order were prepared by DC magnetron sputtering by varying the deposition temperatures. The local structural properties of the film samples were additionally investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. The XMLD spectra of the different samples show clear and uniform trends at the $L_{3,2}$ edges. The Al-capped samples show similar behavior as previous measured XMLD spectra of Co$_2$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4…
Off-stoichiometry in Co2FeSi thin films sputtered from stoichiometric targets revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance
Co2FeSi is predicted to be a half-metallic ferromagnet with an extraordinary high magnetic moment and Curie temperature. However, a low tunnel magneto-resistance ratio, a lower spin polarization and a lower magnetic moment were experimentally observed in thin film samples. Consequently, thin Co2FeSi films of different groups were studied using spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). NMR probes the local hyperfine fields of the active atoms, which strongly depend on the local environment. NMR is thus able to reveal the next neighbouring shells of the Co-59 nuclei in the Co2FeSi thin films. As expected, our NMR study shows the main resonance line corresponding to Co-59 nuclei in the L2(1)…